Chapter 12

805 38 134

Sunday Morning: 10:00 A.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo woke up from her sleep and was greeted to a white ceiling. She attempted to sit up but felt a weight on her body. She lifted her head and was greeted to the sight of Tzuyu nuzzled into her chest. Tzuyu was clinging to Jihyo's left side and had a peaceful expression on her face as she slept.

Jihyo instantly smiled after remembering the question that led to this current situation; however, she immediately frowned after remembering what had happened in the first place. She still had a heavy heart over what she had done to Tzuyu in her intoxicated state. Tzuyu may have forgiven her, but Jihyo had no intention of letting herself be easily forgiven. Jihyo promised herself that she will repent for her actions and plans to keep her head held high to accomplish what she set out to do.

Jihyo reached across her body with her right hand and stroked Tzuyu's head. She froze, her eyes going wide, when Tzuyu stirred slightly which caused her heart to race out of fear that she had accidentally woken the younger woman up. Tzuyu shifted her position slightly before smacking her lips and continuing her peaceful slumber. Jihyo let out a mental sigh of relief as she retracted her right hand.

Jihyo returned to smiling as she started to admire Tzuyu's sleeping face. She had always thought that the younger woman was adorable but never realized just how beautiful she really was. Her heart swelled in glee as she thought about how much the two of them had grown closer together and how much they have grown over the past couple of weeks. She was thankful for having met Tzuyu as the younger woman had completely changed her life.

Jihyo's thoughts wandered to how nice it felt that she woke up with Tzuyu in her arms. She wanted to treasure the younger woman but knew that she would be overstepping a line that she should not. That would not, however, stop her from wanting to make Tzuyu happy in her own special way.

Jihyo carefully removed herself from underneath Tzuyu, making sure not to disturb the younger woman. She placed a pillow in Tzuyu's arms to replace her presence. She pulled the blanket up to tuck Tzuyu in. She leaned down to place a kiss on Tzuyu's forehead, causing the younger woman to smile and tighten her hug around the pillow. Jihyo leaned back and smiled before walking out of the room to head to the washroom to do her morning routine.

Jihyo walked into the kitchen as she had decided to make Tzuyu and her a late breakfast. She opened the refrigerator and leaned down to look inside. Tzuyu had stocked up the fridge yesterday when Jihyo had gone to talk to Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Jihyo took out some eggs, bread, bacon, sausages, and hash browns. She closed the refrigerator door and set everything out on the counter. She pulled out a couple of frying pans and started cooking.

Tzuyu let out a yawn as she began to wake up, still partially asleep and with her eyes closed. She tightened her hold around what she thought was Jihyo. She quickly frowned when she realized whatever she was cuddling was too soft to be a human. She opened her eyes and was surprised when she did not see Jihyo and was even more surprised when she realized that she was hugging a pillow.

Tzuyu let go of the pillow and sat up. she rubbed the remaining tiredness from her eyes before stretching her body as she let out a yawn. She looked around the room and did not see Jihyo. The sounds of what could only be described as crackling perked Tzuyu's ears.

Tzuyu got out of bed and walked towards the door of her room. The sounds became clearer, and it was now obvious that someone was cooking in the kitchen. Tzuyu smiled as she thought that it was Jihyo. Her thoughts were confirmed to be correct when she walked out into the kitchen and saw Jihyo's back towards her as the older woman faced the stove.

A wide smile formed on Tzuyu's face as she quietly walked towards Jihyo. She wrapped her arms around Jihyo in a back hug when she arrived behind Jihyo. Jihyo jumped in surprise and quickly looked over her shoulder to find Tzuyu staring at her with a gentle smile. She started blushing but smiled back, nevertheless. Tzuyu felt happy seeing that she could affect Jihyo in this manner.

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