Chapter 16

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Tuesday Afternoon: 2:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Tzuyu absentmindedly chopped some vegetables as she became lost in her thoughts. The past two days have kept her mind busy. The outing with Jihyo on Sunday was the start, but the events of last night was the catalyst.

Tzuyu had the feeling that she might be falling for Jihyo. The end of their outing on Sunday when she leaned in towards Jihyo and nearly kissed the older woman was the first sign. The second and more definite sign was the way she felt after being able to comfort Jihyo. Her heart was pounding, and she felt like she was on cloud nine.

Tzuyu placed her knife down on the counter and poured her chopped vegetables into a pot of soup. She wiped her hands on a cloth before going to look for Nayeon and Jeongyeon in their office. The restaurant was fortunately not busy at the moment.

Tzuyu knocked on the opened door, gaining Nayeon and Jeongyeon's attention, "Can I talk to you two about something?"

Nayeon nodded her head, "Of course, come in and close the door behind you," she said as she closed the laptop that Jeongyeon and her were looking at and gestured towards the empty chair in front of her desk.

Tzuyu closed the door and sat down in the empty chair, "I'm not really sure how to go about talking about this..."

"Take your time. There is no rush," Jeongyeon gently encouraged.

Tzuyu took a deep breath, "I think... I have feelings for Jihyo-unnie. When we went out on Sunday, I found her to be really adorable and radiant. We bonded a lot over what our futures could have been if it wasn't for our pasts," she explained before starting to blush, "I almost leaned in to kiss her when we went to the karaoke room. I was just mesmerized by her and didn't know what I was doing."

Nayeon nodded in thoughtful understanding, "Is there anything else that makes you think you have feelings for Jihyo?"

"Well... Jihyo-unnie and I sleep in the same bed and I have no major problems with it and can keep calm the entire night. My nights prior to meeting Jihyo-unnie were often riddled with nightmares and I would wake up at least once a night, but none of that has happened in a very long time," Tzuyu added on.

"Have your thoughts changed in any way?" Jeongyeon asked.

Tzuyu nodded her head, "Yeah, my thoughts have suddenly changed from being a burden to everyone to just thinking about Jihyo-unnie. But it's confusing because my thoughts change the moment I leave her presence."

"How does your heart feel?" Nayeon asked.

Tzuyu placed a hand over her heart, "Honestly? Really happy. I felt so warm inside when I could help Jihyo-unnie calm down after her near breakdown last night. Thinking about it now, I might've been developing feelings for her for a while now. She is a caring and selfless person. She was willing to take me in and let me stay even though I was only causing her problems."

Jeongyeon looked towards Nayeon and the two of them silently communicated for a moment before looking back at Tzuyu, "Okay, I think we understand your situation now. It is very clear that your thoughts and feelings for Jihyo are unique to her. There is no doubt that you have feelings for her. The real question is, what kind of feelings?"

Tzuyu gave Jeongyeon a confused look, "What do you mean by that? What should I do then?"

"Sometimes, feelings of love turn out to be feelings of admiration. You should foster your feelings for Jihyo to make sure your feelings genuinely are of love. It is best to be certain with your feelings before you act. Only then should you confess your feelings for her," Nayeon clarified.

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