Chapter 17

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Wednesday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Tzuyu had woken up in Jihyo's arms while lying on the couch in their living room. She was not surprised as she remembered what had transpired last night. Instead, she was a blushing mess as her heart started pounding against her chest. She had the perfect view of Jihyo's sleeping face which took her breath away. Jihyo unconsciously tightened her hug around Tzuyu and nuzzled her cheek into the top of Tzuyu's head. Tzuyu was left unable to breath; not because of the action but because of the way her heart felt like it was going to jump right out of her chest.

Tzuyu was now in the middle of working at the restaurant. The restaurant was just dying down in traffic after the afternoon rush, and everyone was slowly going on their lunch breaks. Tzuyu had spent most of the morning working while brainstorming ways that she could show her appreciation for Jihyo. Now that Tzuyu had come to the conclusion that she was in love with Jihyo, she wanted to do special things for the older woman.

Tzuyu talked to Nayeon and Jeongyeon during a quick break about how she discovered that her feelings for Jihyo were genuine love. She told them about her plan to make lunch for Jihyo and asked if she could use ingredients from the restaurant and proposed that she would pay for anything she used. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were supportive of Tzuyu's plan but dismissed the younger woman's plan to pay for any ingredients used. They were just happy to hear that Tzuyu had made the decision on her own and that it was enough for them to see the progress Tzuyu had made.

Tzuyu decided to make something simple and decided to go with Japchae. All of the ingredients were already prepared, so it was just a matter of putting everything together. She finished just as Jihyo walked into the kitchen.

"Ooo! That looks delicious!" Jihyo exclaimed as she walked up to Tzuyu.

"I really hope so because I made it for you," Tzuyu explained as she pulled a chair over to sit down in her usual spot.

"Really?!" Jihyo exclaimed with wide eyes.

Tzuyu nodded her head with a smile on her face, "Yes, special order just for you."

"Thank you!" Jihyo said as she went to get a chair for herself.

Jihyo sat down and instantly started eating. She instantly started smiling, much to Tzuyu's relief. For whatever reason, she was worried that Jihyo was going to hate what she had made even though the older woman would always say how delicious everything Tzuyu cooked was.

"I really love eating your cooking. It's so delicious!" Jihyo complimented Tzuyu with her genuine feelings.

Tzuyu instantly turned around as she started blushing, "Thank you..."

Jihyo let out a giggle, "You know, I really like this shy side of you. It's really adorable."

Tzuyu whipped her head around, "Really? You like this side of me? Isn't it annoying?"

Jihyo shook her head, amused by Tzuyu's question, "Not at all. I really like it when you are shy because it makes me want to hug you."

Tzuyu's cheeks became bright red, "Okay..." she said before shrinking slightly, "Then go ahead?"

"Sorry?" Jihyo asked for clarification.

Tzuyu stood up and placed her arms out as she stared into Jihyo's eyes, "You said me being shy makes you want to hug me so hug me."

Jihyo chuckled as she stood up to walk towards Tzuyu. She pulled Tzuyu into a hug and started to stroke the younger woman's head like she had done last night. Tzuyu instantly started to melt into the hug and wrapped her arms around Jihyo's waist as she rested her cheek on Jihyo's shoulder. She felt the lull of sleep looming over her and battled against falling asleep at work.

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