Chapter 8

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Monday Morning: 9:00 A.M

3rd Person POV

News of the events that transpired yesterday quickly spread to the perpetrators of the plan. Sana and Mina were quick to rush home to tell Momo all about their date and how they were able to confess their feelings for Dahyun and Chaeyoung; Momo was very proud of the two of them. Dahyun and Chaeyoung rushed to Nayeon and Jeongyeon's apartment to tell them about what happened; the eldest two nodded approvingly that their cupid plan worked.

Nayeon was now standing behind the bar doing some checkups before the restaurant opened. Jeongyeon was in the back accepting some shipments with Momo, Sana, and Mina. She was wiping the bar counter when Jihyo and Tzuyu walked into the restaurant.

Jihyo intertwined hands with Tzuyu as they walked by the bar. Nayeon noticed how Tzuyu looked down at their intertwined hands before looking at Jihyo and giving her a smile. Jihyo smiled back and led Tzuyu into the kitchen. She came back out after a minute and started preparing the front-of-house with Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

Jeongyeon came out of the kitchen and walked up to Nayeon. She noticed the worried look on her girlfriend's face and asked what was bothering her. Nayeon described what she saw to Jeongyeon who then mirrored the look of concern that she had. Jeongyeon suggested allowing Tzuyu to enter and exit the restaurant from the kitchen back exit. Nayeon agreed and said she would inform Tzuyu of the decision.

"Tzuyu, can I talk to you?" Nayeon asked as she entered the kitchen.

Tzuyu popped up from behind one of the counters, "Yes, Nayeon-unnie?"

"Jeongyeon and I decided that you can come into and leave the restaurant through the back door in the kitchen. It should be open so long as someone is in the restaurant," Nayeon explained.

Tzuyu instantly smiled upon hearing this, "Thank you! It is very appreciated."

"No worries. Everyone's safety and health is Jeongyeon's and my number one priority," Nayeon replied with a smile, "Please let us know if you would like to make any other arrangements."

Tzuyu nodded her head, "Will do."

Monday Afternoon: 2:00 P.M

While people were going on dates with their crushes and confessing their feelings, Jihyo and Tzuyu spent their Sunday at home and took it easy. Jihyo spent some time making space for Tzuyu's new belongings. She ran into an issue almost immediately after starting as she realized that her current apartment does not have enough space for the both of them.

Jihyo started thinking about the prospect of having to move apartments if Tzuyu was going to stay with her for a long time. She had actually thought about moving a few months ago as her apartment was starting to feel cramp and claustrophobic at times even with how unfurnished her apartment is. She only decided to not move because she was living alone. This was now the potential push that she had been waiting for.

The restaurant was currently having their lunch break. Everyone was gathered around a table except for Tzuyu who was nowhere to be found. Jihyo was in the middle of eating when she finally noticed Tzuyu's absence. She raised the question of Tzuyu's whereabouts to the group and Sana replied saying that she saw Tzuyu in the kitchen when she went to get her lunch.

Jihyo excused herself from the table and brought her lunch with her to the kitchen. She found Tzuyu sitting on a stool with a rice bowl that the younger woman had made for herself. Tzuyu was just staring at the wall as she ate. Jihyo felt sad seeing this and walked up to the younger woman.

Tzuyu turned her head when she heard Jihyo approaching her, "Oh, Jihyo-unnie, what are you doing here?"

Jihyo placed her lunch down on the counter in front of Tzuyu, "I came to check up on you and give you some company."

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