Chapter 19

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Thursday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

Jihyo's POV

It's been a long time since I ate with everyone else at the restaurant. The only reason I am eating with them now is because Tzuyu said that she wanted to go buy something. I offered to go with her but was disappointed when she said that she wanted to go by herself.

Speaking of Tzuyu, she has been very distant lately. Ever since her relapsing episode, there seemed to be a change in Tzuyu's behaviour. She doesn't initiate cuddling or skinship like she used to, going as far as rejecting it when I initiate; she doesn't seem focused at all; she seems blocked out from the world; and she just doesn't seem like she wants to be around me anymore. It hurts a lot to see her behave like this because it feels as if we just reset our relationship, as if... our moments didn't matter to her.

No matter how much it hurts, I am just concerned about her. I want to know what has been on her mind lately. Every time I ask, she just shrugs it off and says that she is just tired, but I can tell that she is lying to me. It's so obvious in her eyes that something is wrong. It hurts even more because it feels like she doesn't trust me enough to talk to me about it.

Mina, who was sitting beside me, placed a hand on my shoulder, making me look at her, "Are you okay? You haven't touched your lunch yet," she asked with a concerned look, getting everyone's attention.

I looked around at everyone's concerned eyes and let out a sigh as I placed my chopsticks down, "Honestly? Not at all. Tzuyu had a relapsing episode on Saturday night," I revealed, shocking everyone especially Dahyun and Chaeyoung, before explaining everything that has happened since, "I just don't know what to do," I finished explaining as my eyes glistened.

Momo, who was sitting on the other side of me, started rubbing my back, "Maybe Tzuyu is just feeling down about having a relapsing episode. It must be a drain on her. I am not knowledgeable about this, but I think you just need to be there for Tzuyu and make sure that she knows you are there to support her," she encouraged, gaining nods of agreement from Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies, Sana, and Mina.

"Momo-unnie is mostly right," Dahyun commented, "Tzuyu goes through an emotional rollercoaster after she has an episode..." she trailed off as she made eye contact with Chaeyoung before the two of them silently communicated for a minute.

"We are surprised that you were able to stop Tzuyu's episode. If anything we are thankful that you were able to. I think the best course of action right now is to be there for Tzuyu like Momo-unnie said. You are the only thing that has made her negative thoughts disappear, so we suspect that you will be the only thing that keeps her rollercoaster from going crazy," Chaeyoung explained.

I nodded in my head and managed a small smile, "I will definitely be there for Tzuyu. It's just hard when she is pushing me away like this. It just feels like all of our memories means nothing to her."

"I don't think that is the case. Tzuyu has told us that she values the memories she has made with you so far. Just thinking about them makes Tzuyu smile," Dahyun commented.

"Tzuyu has also mentioned something similar to the kitchen staff. She said that she hasn't been happier in her life than right now, and all of it is because of you," Sana chimed in.

I smiled genuinely because of everyone's comments, "Thank you. It means a lot to hear that. I will try my best to cheer Tzuyu up no matter how long it takes."

Thursday Evening: 9:15 P.M

Everyone went home from Nayeon and Jeongyeon-unnies' apartment earlier for once. We were all just feeling tired from the rush today, so we decided to just end our hangout early. It was actually a good thing because I wanted to try to spend some time with Tzuyu.

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