Chapter 23

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Sunday Morning: 10:00 A.M

3rd Person POV

Nayeon was sitting at her dining table in her apartment looking at her laptop screen. She was asked to review some documents from her former organization. They were working on a new project and wanted to get some input. Jeongyeon would normally help Nayeon but had to make some phone calls.

"Hmmm..." Nayeon trailed off aloud, "I wonder if they even have enough funding for this. It's a good initiative but the overhead cost will definitely be higher than they are estimating," she said before letting out a sigh, "I wonder what Jeongyeon would say about this."

As if on cue, Jeongyeon came out of their room. Nayeon turned around with a smile on her face that quickly disappeared when she noticed the look on her girlfriend's face. Jeongyeon sat down beside Nayeon and let out a deep sigh.

"I have some bad news for you," Jeongyeon said with a serious expression.

"What is it?" Nayeon asked nervously as she anticipated the several possibilities in her head.

"Our police friend gave me an update," Jeongyeon said, causing Nayeon to tense up, "He has disappeared off of the grid and is currently untrackable."

"What... do we do then?" Nayeon asked cautiously.

Jeongyeon let out a sigh, "Honestly? I don't know. With such little information, we can't plan accordingly," she replied while burying her face in her hands.

Nayeon moved her chair closer to Jeongyeon and placed a hand on Jeongyeon's shoulder, "Hey, just because we can't plan accordingly doesn't mean we can't plan anything at all. Don't try to take this burden on your own. We both agreed to take the burden on together."

Jeongyeon looked up and was greeted with a supportive smile, causing her to smile as well, "You're right. Thank you. Let's continue with our current contingency plans and think of a couple of other scenarios."

Nayeon nodded her head in agreement as she removed her hand from Jeongyeon's shoulder, "That's what I like to hear. We will get through this together like we always have."

Monday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M

"Ji-Ji! Come on! I made something for both of us to eat!" Tzuyu called out to Jihyo from her seat as the older woman entered the restaurant's kitchen.

Jihyo came rushing over and leaned down to get a whiff of the delicious smell wafting off of the food, "This smells delicious, Chewy! Thank you for the food!" she said before leaning down to kiss Tzuyu on the cheek and then sitting down on the seat beside Tzuyu.

A wide smile formed on Tzuyu's face as the both of them began to eat. Jihyo let out a satisfied sound upon taking a bite of her food. Tzuyu felt her heart racing as she watched Jihyo eat happily. Nothing made Tzuyu happier than to see a smile on Jihyo's face.

"I don't know why but it really feels like nothing has changed between us," Tzuyu suddenly said as she put her bowl down.

Jihyo chuckled as she put her bowl, "What do you mean by that?"

"The both of us still cuddle in our sleep, we still live together, we still talk together, and we still eat together; so it doesn't feel like much has changed," Tzuyu explained.

"Of course there's something different," Jihyo replied before leaning towards Tzuyu and locking their lips in a short kiss, "I get to do that to you and tell you how much I love you every single day."

Tzuyu bit her lips as she started to blush, "I guess you're right. This is a nice change."

Jihyo pulled Tzuyu into a hug and started stroking her girlfriend's head, "It is. You don't know how many times I held back from telling you that I loved you when we cuddled with each other. I hated that I had the most perfect human being in my arms, but I couldn't tell her 'I love you' just because I was afraid of losing you."

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