Chapter 18

762 39 48

Saturday Morning: 11:30 A.M

3rd Person POV

"Would you like to go to a furniture store with me?" Jihyo asked as she ate lunch with Tzuyu in their apartment.

Tzuyu peaked her head up from her plate, "What's the occasion?"

Jihyo shrugged her shoulders as she placed her chopsticks on her bowl, "None really. I just want to see how we can spice up our apartment."

"Alright, why not? Sounds like it will be a fun date," Tzuyu replied with a smile.

"D-d-date?" Jihyo stuttered as she started blushing.

Tzuyu's eyes widened in realization of what she said before she quickly faked a cough to maintain her composure, "Yeah? It's basically a date, right? There's nothing wrong with calling it a date in my opinion. But, if you are uncomfortable, we can call it an 'outing'."

Jihyo quickly shook her head as she regained her composure, "Nothing wrong with calling it a 'date'. You're right after all," she replied with a smile.

A smile formed on Tzuyu's face upon hearing Jihyo's acceptance of calling their upcoming outing a "date". Her heart filled with glee and she felt all giddy. She already knew that this date was going to be amazing. It was almost as if she could sense the way that Jihyo felt about her.

Jihyo also smiled when she saw the clear happiness on Tzuyu's face. She was a bit hesitant to call their outing a "date" as she felt like it implied that they had both acknowledged their romantic interest for each other. But she realized that there was no point in denying it if she planned on asking Tzuyu to become her girlfriend in the near future.

Jihyo and Tzuyu quickly finished their lunch and got changed. They left their apartment and started walking down the street. Jihyo initiated holding hands much to Tzuyu's delight. Tzuyu clung onto Jihyo's arm like a doting girlfriend would do much to Jihyo's surprise. She just felt like it was appropriate for her to do so. Jihyo was momentarily flustered before smiling as she let the warm feeling that enveloped her heart because of Tzuyu's action to flourish and take complete hold of her.

The two of them passed by several people who gave them glances. The onlookers commented among themselves about how cute Jihyo and Tzuyu looked and called them a couple. Both Jihyo and Tzuyu heard these comments and felt immense happiness. Not only did they like that people called their interaction cute, but those same people thought they were a couple. It was exactly what their hearts desired.

Jihyo and Tzuyu arrived at the furniture store with the widest smiles on their faces. The first segment of the store was the bedroom section. Tzuyu instantly let go of Jihyo's arm and rushed to the first showroom. She stopped in front of the bed and spread her arms out before falling face first onto the bed. She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes out of satisfaction.

Jihyo giggled as she approached Tzuyu, "Tzuyu, you shouldn't act like this in public," she lightly scolded.

Tzuyu sat up on the edge of the bed and chuckled, "Sorry, unnie. The showroom looked really nice and the bed looked super soft, which it is, so I just couldn't help myself," she explained with a grin.

"Well, it's a good thing you looked adorable. Otherwise, I would have to scold you harshly," Jihyo replied without realizing what she said.

Tzuyu went wide-eyed upon hearing what Jihyo said, "I am... adorable?"

Jihyo nodded her head, feeling bolden by her words, "Yeah, the way you acted was really adorable."

Tzuyu bit her lower lip to prevent it from curling up into a smile, "I see... That's good to know," she replied before standing up and pumping her hand into the air, "Anyways, let's continue!"

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