Chapter 7

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Saturday Afternoon: 1:00 P.M on the Same Saturday as Chapter 6

Momo's POV

I was currently reading a book while sitting on the couch in the living room of the apartment that I share with Sana and Mina. We were not planning to hang out with everyone from the restaurant today, so I had the full intention of catching up on some reading. That was until Sana and Mina appeared in front of me. They had a hesitant look on their faces which indicated that they wanted to talk about something.

"Hey, do you two need something?" I asked as I looked up from my book.

"Ummm..." Sana nervously trailed off, "Can Mina and I talk to you about something?"

I nodded my head before closing my book, placing it on the coffee table in front of me, and patting on the spaces beside me, "Of course. Anything for you two."

Sana and Mina both smiled before joining me on the couch. They sat on either side of me before getting themselves comfortable. Based on how they were uncharacteristically quiet, even for Mina's standard, they wanted to talk about something that was difficult for them to bring up, even to me.

"So, what did you two want to talk about?" I asked with a warm smile on my face to try to make them feel comfortable.

"Well..." Mina trailed off as she played with her hands, "You know when your heart beats rapidly for someone else?"

"Is this about you two having feelings for Dahyun and Chaeyoung?" I questioned matter-of-factly.

"How did you know?!" Sana questioned with wide eyes.

I chuckled at Sana's question, "Oh come on. I have known you two since forever. Of course I can see when my two best friends are in love. Anyways, I assume that you two wanted to talk about more than just the fact that you two are in love."

Mina nodded her head, "Correct, we wanted to share why we love them and ask you what you think we should do."

I nodded my head, "Alright, I'm all ears."

Sana and Mina started telling me why they had feelings for Dahyun and Chaeyoung. Dahyun, as described by Sana, is a cute, adorable woman with amazing humor; on top of that are some sexy moments that she has somehow witnessed. On the other hand, Chaeyoung, as described by Mina, is a cub with a cute smile and dimples, and whose duality between being cute and chic is a huge "turn-on". I listened patiently and intently to what my best friends were saying, but I was mentally judging them for the weird way they were describing their crushes.

"So, what do you think we should do?" Sana asked.

"Well..." I trailed off with a thoughtful expression, "Why don't you two ask them on a date?"

Both Sana and Mina instantly shook their heads as their eyes widened, "You know how we are. We would be a complete mess and fail," Mina replied.

I playfully shook my head, "True. Alright, just leave it to me then."

Jeongyeon's POV

Since the restaurant crew was not planning to hangout this weekend, Nayeon and I were currently at home working on some documents. Prior to opening the restaurant, the both of us ran an organization that supported those in need. We enjoyed our time helping others through the organization but had to step down once we opened the restaurant. Some passionate members of the organization took up the reign of being co-presidents, but Nayeon and I still maintain a senior advisor role as requested by the new co-presidents.

"Hey, Nayeon," I called out as I moved closer to Nayeon to show her a document on my laptop, "What do you think about this program that they want to start?"

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