Chapter 32

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Friday Evening: 8:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo and Tzuyu rushed to the hospital after the call from the hospital. They ran up to the nurses' station and asked for Tzuyu's mother's room. Fortunately, the nurse they talked to was the same nurse that Tzuyu spoke to on the phone. The nurse gave Tzuyu the room number and pointed in the direction of the room.

Tzuyu did not wait before dashing off. Jihyo quickly followed behind Tzuyu. The two of them arrived in front of Tzuyu's mother's room. Tzuyu held the door handle and waited for a moment. She started shaking as she feared what she was about to see. Jihyo intertwined their hands which caused Tzuyu to look up at her.

"I am here for you," Jihyo whispered.

Tzuyu nodded her head before opening the door. Jihyo and Tzuyu slowly walked in as Tzuyu tried to brace herself for what she was about to see. She covered her mouth as she saw her mother lying unconscious in the hospital bed. Several sensors were attached to Tzuyu's mother's hand, while an IV drip was connected to her forearm. There were bandages wrapped around her arms, but the most concerning ones were the ones wrapped around her forehead.

Tzuyu bit her lip to try to stop herself from crying. She was in shock that her mother was in this condition. She wanted to know what happened and how this could have happened. Was it an accident? Did her mother have an underlying health condition? It was all a blur to Tzuyu.

"Are you her daughter?" the doctor who was checking Tzuyu's mother's vitals asked when he noticed Tzuyu's presence.

Tzuyu nodded her head, "Yes, that's correct."

"Your mother's health has been declining due to stress and overworking herself," the doctor revealed, shocking Jihyo and Tzuyu, "This isn't the first time this has happened. She has been in the hospital several times over the past year. I always tell her to take it easy, but she always ignores my warnings. She always tells me that she won't stop until she has reconciled with her daughter or well, I guess you."

"All of this... because of me..." Tzuyu whispered, unnoticed by neither Jihyo nor the doctor.

"I am happy to see that she was able to reconcile with you. Please watch out for your mother. We have prescribed her medicine that is safe for her to consume," the doctor explained before checking his watch, "Anyways, I need to check on some other patients."

Tzuyu bowed towards the doctor as he walked past her out of the room. Jihyo and Tzuyu stood silently as they stared at Tzuyu's mother. Tzuyu's head was filled with thoughts about how it was all her fault that her mother ended up like this. Jihyo saw the expression on Tzuyu's face and could tell what her girlfriend needed.

Jihyo wrapped her arms around Tzuyu's waist, "It's okay to cry, Chewy. I can see that you need to let it all out now."

Tzuyu turned to look at Jihyo with teary eyes, "But, I can't."

"Why not?" Jihyo asked, confused.

"Because how would I be able to support you with your current problems?" Tzuyu replied with a sniffle.

Jihyo pulled Tzuyu's head to her shoulder and started stroking it, "Just because you are trying to support me doesn't mean you should ignore your needs. It's very obvious right now that you need someone to support you, and I am right here to support you; so go ahead and let it all out."

Tzuyu started sobbing into Jihyo's shoulder, "This is all my fault. Mom has been working so hard just so that the two of us could reconcile. If only I hadn't been so rejecting of her. I could've stopped this from happening."

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