Chapter 31

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Thursday Evening: 6:00 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo and Tzuyu went home after work ended. Jihyo rushed to bed where she felt the safest. Tzuyu followed behind and found Jihyo hiding underneath the blanket. She approached the bed and sat down beside Jihyo.

"Ji-Ji..." Tzuyu trailed off softly, "Do you want to talk about how you are feeling?"

Jihyo brought the blanket down as she sat up, "I am scared senseless by what my father could do."

Tzuyu pulled Jihyo into a hug, "I know you are, and I am here to make sure he doesn't do anything to you."

Jihyo shook her head, "I know you are, but I just can't go on living in fear like this. If I am not worried about my safety, I am worried about yours and the others' safety."

"You are not alone, Ji-Ji. Your fears are my fears. Your happiness is my happiness," Tzuyu replied.

"I understand that and appreciate you for that..." Jihyo responded before trailing off, "Is it okay if I get some time alone?"

Tzuyu separated from the hug and looked into Jihyo's eyes. She could see the feeling of fear and vulnerability. She knew that all Jihyo wanted was some time and space to think about her thoughts. She really wanted to stay but knew that it was for the better to fulfill Jihyo's request.

Tzuyu nodded her head, "Alright, I guess I will go hang out with everyone else," she said before standing up, "Give me a call and I will come rushing home, okay?"

Jihyo reached forward to pull Tzuyu down for a short kiss, "Alright, enjoy your evening. I love you," she replied with a smile.

Tzuyu smiled, "I love you too."

Tzuyu walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Gucci came running up to her and started wagging his tail. Tzuyu crouched down and petted Gucci before standing up. She told Gucci to stay on guard and to protect Jihyo. Gucci barked before running off to get his toy and putting it in front of the door; he then barked one more time before lying down and staring towards the front door.

Tzuyu smiled before getting her keys and leaving the apartment. She made her way to Nayeon and Jeongyeon's apartment. She knocked on the front door. Nayeon opened the door a couple of seconds later. She was surprised to see Tzuyu but told her to come in.

Tzuyu walked into the living room and was greeted by surprised looks. She explained that Jihyo requested some time alone and that she wanted to respect that wish. She then sat down in her normal spot before everyone went back to what they were doing prior to Tzuyu's arrival.

"Hey, Tzuyu," Jeongyeon called out, gaining everyone's attention, "I sense that something is on your mind. Do you want to talk about it?"

Tzuyu let out a sigh, "It's just that this whole situation with Ji-Ji's father is so frustrating. My words of support can only go so far. I just wish I could magically make him disappear so that Ji-Ji can be at peace. I am committed to doing whatever it takes, but it's really hard when no one can even find him."

"I am kind of disappointed in both Jeongyeon and myself," Nayeon said, getting a nod of agreement from Jeongyeon, "We should be able to do more for you two, but we failed this time."

Tzuyu shook her head, "Don't be. Ji-Ji and I are thankful for everything that you two have already done and for all the effort you have put in. We probably wouldn't even have gotten this far without you, so thank you."

Jeongyeon shook her head, "You don't have to thank us. We just want to see you two happy."

Everyone else nodded their head in agreement. They each took turns expressing their support for Jihyo and Tzuyu. Although Tzuyu already knew everyone felt this way, she appreciated hearing it from everyone.

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