Chapter 15

595 37 14

One Year and Three Months Ago

3rd Person POV

Nayeon and Jeongyeon worked with Momo, Sana, and Mina to create a menu for their restaurant. They ended up launching the restaurant shortly after meeting them with a simple menu based on the latter three women's talents. They knew that their restaurant needed to innovate if they were going to survive and decided to visit other restaurants to gain inspiration. It went mostly well as they also overheard some of these restaurants' clientele mentioning things that could be changed.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon implemented the changes that they thought would work best. It was a success and brought an increase in foot traffic to the restaurant. It was mostly thanks to Momo, Sana, and Mina's hard work in learning how to cook in the short period given to them. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were very grateful and supported the three women in whatever way they could.

"How about this restaurant?" Jeongyeon asked Nayeon as she stopped in front of a restaurant.

Nayeon shrugged her shoulders, "Sure, why not? We haven't gone here yet."

Nayeon and Jeongyeon walked into the restaurant and were instantly greeted by a waiter. They were led to a table and given menus before being left to view the menus. Nayeon looked around the restaurant, while Jeongyeon read through the menu like they had both agreed upon. Jeongyeon ordered two orders of what she thought was the most interesting item on the menu. Nayeon wrote down some notes in her phone about the decor of the restaurant.

The two of them began to eat and discussed the fine details of the dishes. They then moved on to discussing the progress of their restaurant so far. They were pretty satisfied with the growth they have experienced but wanted to continue to grow to be able to accomplish their end goal of being able to help others.

"Wait," Nayeon suddenly said as she looked over Jeongyeon's head, "Doesn't that waitress look kind of familiar?"

Jeongyeon turned around and looked at the waitress that Nayeon was looking at, "Now that you mention it... she kind of does..." she replied before realization set in, "Wait, isn't that Jihyo?!"

"It is!" Nayeon exclaimed with a surprised expression on her face.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon's observations were confirmed when they heard someone that looked like the manager calling for Jihyo. They watched how Jihyo's expression shifted from customer oriented to the blank expression she always had during high school and college. The manager started pointing angrily at some things and then at Jihyo before walking away. Nayeon and Jeongyeon could not hear what the manager was saying but could only assume that he yelled at Jihyo. Jihyo could be seen letting out a sigh before walking off towards the thing that her manager was pointing at.

"Do you think we could poach Jihyo for our restaurant?" Nayeon asked.

Jeongyeon nodded her head, "Yeah, how about we wait for her to finish work?"

"Sounds like a plan," Nayeon replied.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon finished eating and paid for their meal. They went to do some errands for their own restaurant before returning to the restaurant that they saw Jihyo working at. They looked through the window to confirm that Jihyo was still working and decided to go around the restaurant and wait in the back.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon did not have much to do so they decided to just talk. Their conversation turned deep when they started talking about their relationship since they first met. It all started in their first year of high school when they bumped into each other while rushing to class because they both woke up late. They fell to the ground and helped each other up. They recognized each other as they were in the same class and decided to just walk to class together even though they were going to get yelled at.

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