Chapter 38

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3 Months Later

Saturday Afternoon

3rd Person POV

Three months had passed since Jihyo and Tzuyu's ordeal ended. With the death of Jihyo's father, the both of them were finally freed from the shackles of their pasts. They were finally free to mold and shape their futures together without the constant fear of someone trying to ruin it, something they both appreciated immensely.

The air around the two of them was solemn as they currently stood in front of a tombstone. Tzuyu was holding a bouquet of flowers, while Jihyo held a bucket of water and a ladle. The two of them stood silently as they took a moment to respect the owner of the tombstone. Jihyo signaled for Tzuyu to place the bouquet of flowers on top of the tombstone, while she got to work cleaning it. The two of them gently and carefully washed the tombstone, making sure to not miss a spec of dirt. They finished cleaning and returned to their earlier position.

"Well Mom," Jihyo started speaking, "It's been a while since I came to visit you. I just wanted to let you know that Chewy and I have been doing good for ourselves. Gucci, our dog, is also doing really well. We wanted to bring him but didn't want him to disturb the surroundings. Now that Dad is dead, the two of us have been living freely. Our future together looks bright, and I would have loved it if you could see it. You definitely would have been proud of us."

Tzuyu intertwined hands with Jihyo as she noticed her girlfriend start shaking a little, "There's so much I wanted to talk to you about, so much I wanted to learn, so much I wanted to ask, but I hope you are watching over us and the future Ji-Ji and I are going to build."

Jihyo turned to kiss Tzuyu on the cheek, eliciting a wide smile from the younger woman, "She's definitely watching over us," she said before looking over her shoulder for a second, "Oh yeah, I should mention that Chewy is my girlfriend. The two of us brought someone who wanted to see you."

Jihyo and Tzuyu stepped to the side to allow Tzuyu's mother to roll in on a wheelchair, "Hello dear friend, it's been a very long time since we talked. I wish I could have been there for Jihyo after your passing, but I failed you."

Tzuyu's mother paused for a second before tearing up. She quickly wiped her tears away before continuing to speak, "Knowing now that Jihyo went through so much... it pains me that I couldn't have helped. Times became rough for me as well, but that isn't an excuse. Either way, I am watching over our daughters now. Can you believe that they actually ended up together? We always joked about it becoming a reality but never expected it to actually happen. The two of them are the cutest when they are together. I know you would definitely agree with me if you were here. Anyways, it was nice seeing you in a sense."

Tzuyu's mother turned around, "Alright, I am done. Thanks for bringing me to visit your mother's grave, Jihyo."

"Anything for you, Mom. Chewy and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. It's the least I can do," Jihyo replied with a smile.

"I don't understand why you are still in a wheelchair though," Tzuyu commented.

Tzuyu's mother pouted at her daughter's comment, "You heard what the doctor said. I have to be in a wheelchair while I recover from my injuries. It is a miracle that I even survived. The charm my boss gave each of us just happened to be in the right place and steered the bullet's trajectory just enough to avoid fatal wounds. If anything, you should be pampering me."

Tzuyu let out a sigh, "Mom, I have literally seen you walking around without the aid of a cane. I have also literally seen you pretending to golf with said cane. Heck, I have seen you pretending to use it as a sword. A sword for crying out loud. Are you a child?" she scolded her mother with an annoyed expression.

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