Chapter 11

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Friday Afternoon: 1:20 P.M

3rd Person POV

Jihyo and Tzuyu spent Thursday evening packing all of the things that they were planning to bring to the new apartment. Fortunately for them, they did not have to bring the few appliances and furniture that Jihyo owned. The rest of their evening was spent relaxing, talking, and planning their move that they were planning to do on Friday.

The restaurant was currently on their lunch break. Jihyo and Tzuyu ate lunch in the kitchen before Jihyo decided to go tell everyone else about their plans for tonight. Tzuyu waited in the kitchen as she questioned her inability to look at alcohol without her negative thoughts returning.

Jihyo sat down with everyone who turned to look at her. She confirmed that Tzuyu and her would be moving later tonight. She told them that all of their possessions that they were planning to bring with them to the new apartment had already been packed. She then talked about the housewarming party that she promised to host if everyone helped them move.

Everyone started getting excited when they heard the confirmation of the party. They started planning everything that they wanted to bring. Food, drinks, and games, nothing was spared in this conversation. Jihyo could only shake her head playfully as she listened to everyone plan.

Friday Evening: 8:00 P.M

Everyone was at Jihyo's apartment getting ready for the move. Jihyo directed everyone to pick up a box of her and Tzuyu's packed belongings; there were just enough boxes for everyone to carry a box. She then gave everyone the address to her and Tzuyu's new apartment.

Everyone ended up walking together to the new apartment as no one had a vehicle for transportation. Tzuyu listened as everyone talked amongst themselves. Her attention was taken by Jihyo's smile. She found herself smiling because of Jihyo's smile and felt happy from hearing Jihyo's giggles.

Everyone arrived at the new apartment. Jihyo opened the door to let everyone in. They entered the apartment and placed the boxes in the corner of the living room as directed by Jihyo. The group, excluding Jihyo and Tzuyu, then started unpacking the food and drinks that they brought along with them. Several bottles of alcohol were unpacked, alarming Jihyo.

"Hey, I don't kno---" Jihyo was about to protest having alcohol at the party but suddenly felt a hand on her arm.

Jihyo turned around to find Tzuyu shaking her head, "It's okay," Tzuyu said.

Jihyo gave Tzuyu a concerned look, "Are you sure? I am sure they won't mind if we tell them you are uncomfortable."

Tzuyu nodded her head, "Yeah, I am sure. I will be fine so long as you are here with me," she replied with a small smile.

"Alright, so long as you are okay with this," Jihyo replied with a small smile of her own.

Nayeon and Jeongyeon were about to speak out about the presence of alcohol at the party until they heard Jihyo say something. They then watched the small interaction between Jihyo and Tzuyu. They dropped the subject after seeing Tzuyu's body language indicating that she was okay with the situation. What they did not drop is the thought that Momo had implemented into their brain that something was going on between Jihyo and Tzuyu. This small interaction gave some validity to what Momo had said previously.

The party started with Nayeon and Jeongyeon giving a toast to Jihyo and Tzuyu moving to a new apartment. Everyone then started grabbing some food before heading to the living room. Everyone sat in the same spots they would normally sit in when they hang out at Nayeon and Jeongyeon's apartment as the layout of both apartment's living rooms were very similar. They had grown accustomed to this self-imposed seating plan and felt weird if they were not using it.

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