♪ 21 ♪

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The full-length version of Blue Side was released today (well technically yesterday since it's now 3am) and it reminded me of Oxymoronic Eyes 😢

So I wanted to update tonight because of it


Jimin took a deep breath before knocking on his son's door.

A faint "come in" from Jaegeun was heard before his dad slowly turned the doorknob, entering the room. The blonde expected at least a small greeting from the man because that would be what Jimin would normally do.

But instead, he simply dropped the plate of candied sweet potatoes on the nightstand, refusing to spare a glance at Jaegeun and his two groupmates, before leaving without uttering a single word.

Jaegeun furrowed his brows, frustrated that none of the adults were telling him anything. He was sure that Gyuri and Cheolmin were just as confused as he was judging from their reaction to Yoonji passing out.

"Hey, is your family okay?" Yoongi spoke up, lightly nudging the boy's shoulder.

Jaegeun shrugged. He didn't know the answer to that question but if he had to take a guess, he'd say his family was not doing very well.

"Are we invading anything? It didn't seem like they liked us very much." Hoseok inquired, sitting back on the swivel chair with his feet propped on top of the study desk. Him and Jaegeun were already done with their parts of the project. They were patiently waiting for Yoongi to finish his part before they could finally complete the project.

"No. No, I'm sure they do... just... I don't know." Jaegeun scratched the back of his head, looking down at the floor where the brown-eyed boy sat crisscrossed with the blonde's laptop on his lap. He then turned to Hoseok, patting the bed. "Hoseok, sit here so Yoongi-Hyung can use the desk."

"Why? I sat here first." Hoseok displayed his infamous smirk, probably expecting the peach-haired male to argue with him like they normally would over the smallest things.

Yoongi looked up from where he sat— glancing at Hoseok then at Jaegeun before averting his attention back to the screen in front of him. "It's fine, he can have the desk. I'm almost done anyways." He mumbled.

Jaegeun gave him a questioning look. The older boy's response was very unusual and it was even weirder that the emerald-eyed male didn't seem taken aback by it.

The blond inaudibly sighed. Not only did his family's behavior seem odd but so did his friends'.

Jimin sat on one of the living room's couches with Yoonji's head gently placed on his lap.

It'd been almost two hours since she fainted but no one made a move to wake her up. They were too afraid of how she would react once she regained consciousness and recalled what had happened.

Seokjin walked in with two glasses of water: one for Jimin and another for Yoonji's boyfriend, Junsu, who had her feet resting on his thighs. He placed both drinks on the coffee table, carefully sliding them closer to where Jimin's knee was, smiling when Junsu gave a small bow of gratitude.

The brunet looked up, releasing a soft "Thanks, hyung."

The older man nodded, walking back to the other couch to sit between his husband and his son. Gyuri sat on the other side of Cheolmin, head leaning on the boy's shoulder since she had accidentally fallen asleep about an hour ago. Her best friend knew she was exhausted from taking exams all day so he decided to let her rest, draping his jacket over her shoulders like a makeshift blanket.

"Is Jaegeun aware?" Seokjin questioned. Jimin didn't respond, the older man taking his silence as a clear answer.

"He isn't." Namjoon verbalized their friend's thoughts. He turned to his son, sensing the confused look he was throwing toward both of his dads. "I'll explain on our way home."

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