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Dialogue in italics when it comes to Jaegeun, Felix, and Chan's part indicate that they're talking in English.

Remember, Jaegeun isn't used to talking in Korean 24/7 even though it's his first language because he grew up in the United States so his two new friends are helping him feel included :)


Four years ago, if someone asked Gyuri what she wanted to be when she grows up, then she would've said something somewhat achievable but silly like being a singer or an actress. Now, she only wanted to be one thing.

She wanted to be loved.

She wanted to be loved by her own parents again.

Monday finally came around after a long weekend.

Gyuri sat in the cafeteria with her two friends. It was lunch and, like the first day of school, she barely engaged in any of the topics Bomi and Chunhei discussed.

"I bought five shorts and two skirts." Bomi non-so-discreetly bragged, Chunhei only humming in response, dipping a piece of carrot in the splotch of ranch sitting in her tray.

Gyuri wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about but she could only guess that it consisted of their weekends' events. The blue bubblegum definitely didn't have anything to add to the conversation.

But sadly, she knew she couldn't stay silent throughout the rest of lunch once Chunhei noticed her friend's unusual aura. The girl always made sure everyone felt included and didn't want Gyuri feeling left out. The younger appreciated it but she really didn't feel like doing anything other than hide from everyone around her.

"What about you, Ri?" Chunhei smiled encouragingly. "How was your weekend?"

Gyuri shrugged, slightly pushing her own untouched tray of food away. "Not the best." She admitted.

Even without looking up, she could sense the older female's pitied expression plastered on her petite face.

"How come?" Chunhei faced her friend, both hands holding the younger's with all her attention shifting from Bomi to Gyuri.

The youngest of the three hesitated, bottom lip between her teeth while looking at her hand being held by Chunhei's on top of the table. Bomi stared at their connected hands before scoffing, looking away with a scowl as she brought her straw closer to her mouth.

"I don't know." Gyuri mumbled. "Appa came home Saturday but only in the morning. He made me breakfast then left before I could even finish my food. He doesn't even know my favorite breakfast anymore."

"Galbi." Chunhei subconsciously stated which plastered a lazy grin on the younger's face as she nodded. The taller blushed at the sight before their friend interrupted them.

"Let me guess, another business trip?" Bomi snickered, avoiding looking at the two.

Gyuri nodded again, smile fading. "I asked him to take me to the salon to get my blue hair retouched since my roots grew out. He said he couldn't and left."

Chunhei pouted, feeling bad.

"Maybe he hates the blue hair and wants you to get rid of it." Bomi teased though there was that underlying bitterness in her tone. "Probably doesn't want a walking M&M for a daughter."

"Why? Is it ugly?" The youngest questioned, ocean eyes widening.

"Bomi." The oldest warned, glaring at the girl who only rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to her, Ri. You're beautiful just the way you are."

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