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I have two weeks left before graduation :') then hopefully I have more freetime

I'm EXTREMELY sorry I haven't updated this book in a little over two months. I could make up a hundred excuses about why I've been slacking with my writing but, to be truthful, I just haven't had much motivation these days since I have a lot of things in my mind.

Anyways, hopefully this will be the last unexpected months-long hiatus for this book <3


Yoonji opened her eyes, dull blue orbs gradually adjusting to the sunset's last rays seeping through the living room, emitting a warm glow throughout the entirety of the white walls. The shadows of the late evening slowly caught up, crawling downward little by little until they reached the baseboard separating the painted wall from the wooden flooring. Her vision eventually focused on the high ceiling of the penthouse— giving her the opportunity to recollect her thoughts and memories.

She was laying on the couch. It was the first thing she concluded after she felt the cushions beneath her lower back. The second conclusion was that her head was on someone's lap and so were her feet. She also realized that someone's head was covering her view of the unreachable ceiling.

Blue eyes stared into her own. A comforting look masked the teeth-gnawing worry underneath the surface— underneath that tough facade. The same facade that constantly reassured Yoonji that everything would be fine and loneliness would never catch up to her as long as it was around.

As long as those eyes— those calming, blue shores— repeatedly played the tune of noiseless waves, the tune of each grain of sand hitting the bottom of an hourglass, and putting her in a continuous trance that pushed her to believe she could effortlessly jump over any hurdle...

The waves and the hourglass had distracted her once more.

How was she supposed to jump over a hurdle when her feet were surrounded in hardening cement? With her feet unwillingly bound to the ground?

But she had to remind herself that the blue shores never once left her side.

That the distraction was for her own good— for the sake of preventing her mental health from spiralling down like it did back when... when...

"Gi. Seokie." Yoonji whispered, a vivid image of her brother and the brown-eyed boy, who she only had the pleasure of knowing for a short time, flashed before her— as if she had recently seen them in order to refresh her fading memories.

"Gummie, can you hear me?" Jimin brushed dark strands out of her face, the feeling of the cold pads of his fingers against her cheek soothing her nerves.

He only ever called her that when something was wrong— when he sensed that she wasn't in the best state. When...

Was something wrong?

Something must have—

Then it slowly dawned on her.

The faces she saw before her mind went blank and the last thing she remembered was Junsu catching her mid-fall.

The feeling of betrayal. The feeling of broken trust. The feeling of the utter heartbreak she experienced the second her deep blue eyes landed on reposeful sand and emerald flames.

The second she saw two exact replicas of angels she once knew. Two angels who retreated back to heaven and abandoned her not long after death had taken away her own mother.

Angels... that never intended to stay.

"Gi. Seokie." Yoonji slowly repeated, mind no longer in its previous haze.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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