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"Okay, what the hell's gotten into you, Bomi?" Chunhei questioned, clearly in disapproval of the younger's recent behavior. She lightly grabbed the other's wrist who immediately shrugged her off, continuing to walk out of the doors.

"Nothing, Hei." Bomi mumbled.

It was the end of the day, Gyuri had already left with Cheolmin which left Chunhei with her moody friend.

"Nothing? You've been a complete bitch lately." The older spat. It was a good thing the shorter wasn't facing her or else she would've seen the hurt expression on Bomi's face.

"Maybe I wanna be a bitch. At least I'd have a role in the group." The younger snickered bitterly.

They were supposed to walk together like they planned at the end of the day but Chunhei decided to stay with Gyuri while she waited for Cheolmin and his dad. She forgot to inform Bomi so the girl waited by the courtyard for at least an hour since the youngest of the three had to wait for Cheolmin to get out of a tennis meeting. Bomi was starting to get worried as to why her friend was super late so she walked around the campus in search of Chunhei. She finally found her by the front, bidding Gyuri and Cheolmin a goodbye as they got in the car. It caused a pang of sadness in Bomi's chest.

She honestly didn't know why Chunhei and Gyuri kept her around when they would've been better off by themselves. It just made Bomi seem like the outcast and she couldn't help but feel bitter and act upon that horrible feeling.

"Don't say that." Chunhei scolded, attempting to grab the younger's arm again. "Come on. Talk to me."

She sighed in relief when the shorter stopped, turning around. What she didn't expect was to see glossy, blue eyes along with tears running down Bomi's small face. Chunhei's expression almost immediately softened at the heartbreaking sight.

"Oh, Mimi." She pouted, reaching out to pull the other in a comforting hug.

"P-please don't." The younger stepped back, causing Chunhei to retreat her arms, feeling rejected.

"At least tell me what's wrong. We're friends, you know I'm always here for you." The taller reminded, pulling both of them a little closer to the inner part of the side walk to let incoming by-passers walk by.

"Are we really?" Bomi laughed mockingly. "We used to be best friends, Hei. We'd spend every second we could together and had weekly sleepovers. How come that all stopped once Gyuri came around? W-why does she get all of your attention now? You didn't even give me a heads up that you'd be waiting with her after school. I waited for you in the courtyard for more than an hour, Chunhei. You forgot about me. What hurts is that I'm not even surprised anymore since it happens so often."


"I like you, Chunhei." The shorter admitted, taking the said female by surprise. "This will probably ruin any remaining friendship we have but I've liked you since we became friends back in elementary. Gyuri showed up two years ago and suddenly I had to share you. I didn't like the idea even though we were nothing more than friends but it was fine until you started leaving me behind. It came to the point that I felt like I was the one third-wheeling our own friendship.

"I-I don't mean any of things I say about Gyuri." She admitted, fiddling with her bag straps while her orbs casted down to her shoes. "I'm sorry, I was jealous and took my anger out on her even if she did nothing wrong. It's not an excuse, I know, but I just felt like you should know."

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me, Bomi. You should be apologizing to Gyuri." Chunhei sighed, running her slim fingers through her own silky hair.

"I know, I will." Bomi whimpered in a small voice, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands. "I'm a horrible person. Gyuri's gorgeous and her personality's unique. She's an overall amazing person. I-I can't compete with that so I understand why you like her more than me."

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