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12 Years Ago

"Hope you have a good time, Jaegeun-ah. I'm gonna miss you so much." The lady bided with an overly exaggerated smile. "Be nice to your new appa, okay?"

Jaegeun coward behind Jimin's leg, holding onto the fabric of his jeans.

His dad returned a forced smile despite how much he wanted to tell her to fuck off. He could sense his son's distress so he lifted him into his arms, letting him bury his head into the older male's shoulder.

"C-can we go now, appa?" Jaegeun mumbled near Jimin's ear, the older nodding.

They left shortly after, failing to notice the little boy peaking from the hallway.

Yoongi felt tears welling up in his eyes while he listened to the whole conversation. Jaegeun was finally adopted and the older boy wasn't sure if he should've felt happy or sad. He was happy for the younger, knowing how badly he was being treated by the other kids in the building, but he was also sad and scared knowing that all the attention, the teasing, and the bullying would all be directed to him now.

He had never talked to the younger boy but his presence was enough of a comfort to Yoongi. Knowing that he wasn't the only one going through the same pain made him feel a little better about his own situation— as selfish as it sounded.

But now Jaegeun was gone.

Yoongi was alone again.

His bottom lip quivered, brown orbs glossing from the thought, before running back to his small room and crying into his pillow.

He should've been happy for Jaegeun but he couldn't help but be envious of him instead.

Present Day

"Jaegeun?" Yoongi questioned, taking the said male by surprise.

"You know my name?" The blonde widened his eyes.

"Of course, I do. You were the talk of school yesterday— being the new kid and all." The older informed him, his focus back on the children playing roughhouse.

"Oh..." Jaegeun awkwardly sat next to the male, arms hugging his legs closer to his chest. He was taller than Yoongi but their difference in way of sitting made the blonde look smaller and more vulnerable.

"And how did you know my name? I'm not exactly known on campus until someone decides they needed a person to pick on." The peach-haired male chuckled to himself.

"I made a friend and they told me about who you were in the morning when— uh— that Hangyeol guy was picking on you."

Yoongi snickered at the mention of that name. "Choi Hangyeol, that son of a bastard who makes being Hoseok's little minion his entire personality— picking on the only brownie of the school is apparently his favorite thing to do to pass time. God, I hate those two jackasses."

"I don't blame you." Jaegeun shrugged. He didn't really expect the older to speak to him, let alone have a casual conversation with him as if they've known each other for years.

Which was kind of true in a sense but they never actually got to become friends.

"So it's really you, huh?" Yoongi sighed, confusing the younger.

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