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A lot can change in twelve years.

South Korea took a big step away from discriminating against brown-eyed people after Park Jimin helped put the law into effect. But of course— like any other law—, there were still stubborn individuals that chose to ignore it.

It couldn't be helped but the change was better than nothing.

Though that didn't help Jaegeun forget his shitty childhood before Jimin came around.

14 Years Ago

"Eomma, you don wan me?" The little boy asked, voice trembling while his little hands shakily tugged his mother's sleeve.

"Shut up, Jaegeun." The woman rolled her eyes. "Now go with the lady." She pulled her arm away from him, leaving the child to fend for himself in his own bubble.

Jaegeun looked over at the other lady, a forced smile on her face that sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't like talking to strangers nor did his mom let him so why was she handing him to one now?

"I-I'm scawed." He whispered, brown locks covering his dilated brown and blue eyes.

"Are you going against me now? I said go to her." His mother sighed, losing her last ounce of patience.

The little boy recognized that tone— she was irritated.

Not wanting to anger her any further, he hesitantly nodded. With small steps, Jaegeun slowly made his way toward the stranger.

He flinched when she took a hold of his wrist. Not even a second later, he saw his mother walking away from his peripheral vision. Jaegeun panicked, immediately going after her but it was no use. The stranger tightened her grip on him, the little boy whining since it started feeling painful.

"H-Huwt." Jaegeun cried, fat tears rolling down his sunken cheeks.

"It's okay, hun. You'll live with us now." The lady told him to which he shook his head in denial.

He heard his mother discussing with his father about putting him for 'adoption'. Jaegeun didn't know what that big word meant but at the sound of their tone, he knew it wasn't anything good. But despite that, he didn't think it meant giving him away.

Jaegeun never thought his own parents would abandon him.

"Hey, brownie!" A group of kids hollered from the other side of the playground.

Most of them were at least two or three years older than him so Jaegeun couldn't defend himself even if he wanted to. He knew they'd only pick on him if he did.

So as usual, he ignored them.

It didn't take long for Jaegeun to learn that he wasn't like everyone else. To himself, he seemed fairly normal but to others, he was some sort of parasite. After months of staying in foster care, he eventually caught on to why his mother left him.

Today was actually his fourth birthday which only made things worse for himself. It would be the first time he spent it without his parents though it wasn't like they ever celebrated the previous ones with him.

He would just have to accept that he only had himself now.

With a sigh, Jaegeun placed his short arms on the picnic table, using them as a pillow for his small head. He faced his right, catching sight of another little boy sitting against a tree.

He didn't know his name but Jaegeun had been intrigued by him ever since he arrived.

The brunet was always quiet, giving him the opportunity to listen in to conversations nearby. That's how he found out about his parents' plan of abandoning him. Though one day, he over heard two of the caretakers gossiping during lunch time. They were talking about the other boy which immediately caught Jaegeun's attention.

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