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"Jackson-ssi, you didn't have to walk us all the way up to the penthouse." Jaegeun laughed, standing next to the driver who pressed the button for the fifty-seventh floor.

"I'm used to escorting your noona, Geun-ssi. Just let me do my job, would you?" Jackson responded, no trail of malice in his voice.

It was true, taking care of them and being their driver was his duty but it was also a small way of showing his gratitude toward Jimin and Yoonji. They were kind enough to let him keep his job years after his original bosses' deaths.

Jackson had been around for a long time. He was hired to be a driver for the Jungs when he was around the age of twenty-four. Their kid— that looked exactly like the emerald-eyed boy standing behind him— was only seven. Throughout his years of serving them, he watched that kid grow. Jackson was even planning to attend his graduation since he knew the child's parents wouldn't.

But a few months before that day came, a funeral was held in his remembrance.

He had watched him grown— also had the same honor with the Mins, the Parks, and the Kims. They were all his children in time's essence.

So seeing them— the two who died before they were able to step on that stage and receive their high school diplomas— in perfect condition, breathing and alive...

He had to contain the overwhelming emotions building up in his chest.

Escorting the three boys to the penthouse was his job but it was also his way of being there once everyone saw Jaegeun's friends.

Those years of working for Jimin enabled Jackson to get to know him and his friends. He himself was able to control his reaction. But the others?

He'd be lying if he said he expected them to do the same.

"Jackson-ssi, you okay?" Jaegeun asked in worry, noticing the agitation in the man's expression. Jackson gave a halfhearted smile with a thumb held up.

The younger didn't believe him but decided to let him be, turning behind him to look at Hoseok who already had his eyes occupied elsewhere.

Yoongi watched in awe, mouth subconsciously hanging open, as the numbers above the elevator doors increased at an incredibly fast speed. Hoseok bit his lip, having to hide an amused grin while watching the older high schooler's expressions. It was an endearing sight to see him easily entertained by an elevator. He almost resembled a wonderstruck child.

Jaegeun observed the two, tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he felt something weird in the pit of his stomach.

The elevator finally stopped in their destined floor. With metal doors opening, a ding followed after a robotic lady's voice came out of nowhere to announce their arrival.

All four of them walked through the short hallway, stopping at the end, in front of the only door of the floor they were in. Jackson went ahead and pressed his thumb against the keypad above the door handle. He was scanned before the screen immediately glowed green, a soft beep following.

Jimin had trusted the older man enough to let him save his thumbprint in their security system. It made it easier for Jackson to access the place but he only ever used it when at least one of his bosses was around (that included Jaegeun and the Kims).

"Holy fuck." Yoongi couldn't help but slip a curse out as he took in his surroundings after entering the penthouse. Everything looked too expensive for him to touch, even the view overlooking all of Seoul screamed money. He could've sworn he'd seen a photo of the living room in some sort of rich people magazine.

Hoseok was also in the same state of astonishment. Sure, he was used to living in a mansion that was probably twice the size of the Parks' penthouse, but it never had that homely feeling to it. Just one step into the place and he could tell that Jaegeun's dad— or whoever decorated the place— made sure to keep the setting cozy and warm.

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