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Because Jaegeun is played by Hyunjin from SKZ in this book, I keep accidentally typing Hyunjin instead of Jaegeun from time to time and I'd have to go back and fix it 😭

If you see me type Hyunjin anywhere in the chapters, pretend like it says Jaegeun 🙂


The possession of brown eyes caused added struggles and obvious pain for Yoongi.

He's been a foster kid before his brain was even able to develop memories. All those years of being bullied had pushed him close to his limits multiple times. Yoongi never wore any clothing with purple polkadots when he already sported his own ones on a daily basis. The bruises littering his skin only reminded him of his hatred for society's outlook on brown eyes.

But those bruises also blinded him over what other people could be going through.

Yoongi had never once thought about what Hoseok could be hiding beneath his exterior. He had always associated green with the word 'privilege'. No matter what kind of currency a country uses, money and wealth will always be green. Mention 'land' to someone and the first thing they would think of is greenery.

The first time he met Hoseok was life's biggest slap in the face. The younger wasn't just born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was born with rare emeralds. They immediately provided him a pedestal to reach the top end of the spectrum while Yoongi was kicked off of the leveled platform where every person started after being born.

Yoongi immediately envied him.

The difference of ways people treated him and Hoseok only heightened his dislike for the male. He wanted the younger to experience pain the way he was forced to throughout his life as a brown-eyed person.

It never crossed his mind that maybe Hoseok had always experienced that pain. The only dissimilarity is that society gave him a seamless one that prevented others from seeing. It made sense why he always possessed a moving screen that showcased a perfect life that he had the privilege of being born into.

It wasn't because he didn't want to show vulnerability.

It was because he couldn't.

Yoongi realized that. The moment he saw Hoseok's unwrapped hand, all of his previous thoughts and assumptions about the guy had deteriorated before his eyes.

Sure, sand was deemed powerless from the beginning, but no one factored in the likelihood of an emerald flame dying down by itself.

It was almost as if sand, in a sense, was stronger.

Yoongi waited in the hallways at the start of lunch the next day.

He didn't bother telling Jaegeun about any details of where he would be after he excused himself when the bell rang. The blonde found it suspicious but didn't question it.

So here Yoongi was, waiting for a chance to talk to a certain someone while his three friends hung out in the same spot that they usually spent their lunches in.

Jung Hoseok finally entered the hallway, eyes casted down on his phone. Thankfully Choi Hangyeol was nowhere in sight so it gave Yoongi the perfect opportunity to pull the orange-haired male into an empty classroom.

He locked the door, ignoring the younger's "What the hell, Min?!"

"You've been avoiding me since yesterday. I had no other choice." Yoongi reasoned. The situation at hand was almost amusing. Usually the brown-eyed boy would be the one trying to get away from the other but it seemed that their roles have been reverse.

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