♪ 15 ♪

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TW// Implications of abuse


Jaegeun was right. Yoongi was most definitely not happy.

"Come on, Yoongi. You're really giving me the silent treatment right now?"

The said male ignored him, continuously stabbing the piece of carrot rolling around his lunch tray with a plastic fork.

"What happened?" Felix finally questioned. Him and Chan had been quietly observing the tension between their two friends who came out of their shared class refusing to talk to one another.

Well... it was mainly Yoongi who refused to talk to Jaegeun.

"My halmone wants to see me—" Jaegeun answered, settling with his dad's lie. "So I'm going over to visit her in the afternoon with Jimin."

"Jimin? Your appa?"

The older nodded.

"You call your appa by his real name?"

Jaegeun shrugged. "He's fine with it. Jimin's my appa but he's also like an older brother and best friend to me."

Felix hummed, nodding.

"Okay... I don't see the problem with you visiting your halmone." Chan raised a confused brow, leaning back against the bench.

"I was supposed to work on the project with Hoseok and Yoongi after school but now I'm unable to." The blonde continued to explain.

Yoongi huffed, throwing the baby carrot toward the male, accidentally hitting Chan instead who gawked in disbelief. "What did 'as long as you don't leave me alone with that cocky bastard' did you not understand, Park?!"

"You'll be fine." Jaegeun rolled his eyes, uncapping his water bottle to take a quick sip. "Hoseok's actually doing his work. If anything, he's working the most on this project by going all three days."

"Well then he can skip today and let me work alone— makes it even for all of us."

"Hyung." Jaegeun sent him an unamused look.

The older scrunched his nose, going back to harrassing another piece of stray carrot in his lunch tray. "I told you to stop calling me hyung, brat." He mumbled defeatedly.

"You're working on the project with Hoseok."

"Fine. Whatever." Yoongi released another huff.

"Be nice." Jaegeun reminded the elder for the ninth time that day.

It was the end of their last class, most students already scurried out of the campus and it hadn't even been a minute since the bell rang. Three boys, on the other hand, stayed behind— two of them talking amongst themselves while the emerald-eyed male waited next to the door on the other end of the room.

"Yeah, yeah. Repeatedly telling me to be nice isn't gonna magically make me nicer." Yoongi snickered. "And have some respect, brat. I'm older than you."

"Yet you don't want me using honorifics with you." The blonde rolled his eyes though his cherry lips decided to betray him when they couldn't help but form a soft smile.

"Didn't you say your appa's already waiting outside?"  The shorter male changed the subject, laughing fondly at the other who's orbs widened in realization.

"Oh, shoot. You're right." Jaegeun hurriedly slung his bag over his shoulder and grabbed his textbook from the desk. He saw Hoseok walking closer from the corner of his vision, probably waiting for the male to leave since he knew it was only going to be him and Yoongi working on the project.

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