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"Your two friends are dating?" Cheolmin questioned in shock.

Gyuri filled him in about everything that had to do with her week. It was something they always did every Friday after school— an unspoken tradition they've had since they were kids. Cheolmin was two years older than her so being in different grades made it a little difficult to be able to see each other during classes. They also had their own friend groups which only added to the reason why their tradition existed in the first place.

Jaegeun would usually join them even when he lived in the United States. They would start a video call using their parents' phones or laptops and talked until the last few minutes before Jaegeun or the other two had to go to bed due to timezone differences.

But the oldest of the three best friends was busy with a project so he had to pass.

"Yeah." Gyuri laughed weakly.

"I could've sworn Bomi was flirting with me the first time I met her." Cheolmin scratched the back of his head, lips forming a confused pout while his brows scrunched and his eyes looked upward, recalling his memories from that day.

The two high schoolers were spending the afternoon in the junior's room after Namjoon picked them up after school. The older sat in his gaming chair while Gyuri sat on his comforters, petite hands hugging a pillow against her own stomach. They were waiting for Seokjin to call them once it was time to head over to the Parks' penthouse for dinner.

"They weren't together at the time so she could've been." The younger shrugged, flopping down on his bed, her back softly hitting the mattress. "They only admitted their feelings for each other this Monday."

Bomi and Chunhei had talked to Gyuri that following Tuesday, informing her about their confessions from the previous day. The youngest of the group was obviously happy for them, encouraging the relationship even if they haven't made things official yet.

Gyuri also received an apology from Bomi that day. She apologized for every horrible thing she had said and, throughout the course of their friendship, it was the first time she had ever looked into Gyuri's blue eyes with an overwhelming amount of sincerity. Of course, the younger forgave her— she wasn't someone who held grudges.


"Well I'm happy for them.. I guess." Cheolmin didn't really know how to respond, only swirling his chair from left to right.

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"Huh? Why would it?" The male asked, stopping his movement.

"Don't know. Thought you had a thing for Chunhei or something." Gyuri admitted.

Cheolmin opened his mouth though immediately closed it before he was able to blurt something he shouldn't have out.

He opted to further question her assumption when she didn't speak. "Who put that silly idea in your head, little Riri?"

Gyuri scrunched her nose at the stupid nickname, throwing a pillow at him. Cheolmin easily caught it before throwing it back on the bed with an amused laugh.

"She's pretty and I saw the way you looked at her that day." The female reasoned, momentarily checking her phone for messages from her dads which she knew wouldn't come.

"Yeah, I guess she's pretty but not my type." Cheolmin shrugged, standing up and walking over to the bed. He rolled Gyuri to one side of the mattress since she greedily laid in the middle before flopping down next to her. He was on his stomach, arms grabbing the pillow he threw and hugging it under his chin. "Plus, I already have my eyes on someone."

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