♪ 2 ♪

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: Ending Scene by IU (piano cover by Smyang Piano)


"Cheolmin and Gyuri are coming over later." Jimin informed, throwing himself on the couch once they arrived in the penthouse.

Jaegeun snickered, handing the maid his luggage.

It was almost amusing how his dad acted more like a teenager than he did at times. Jimin was always the one asking his son if he wanted to play video games or watch a movie together during his free time.

The boy admittedly felt bad whenever he remembered exactly why his dad was like that. The man always told him stories about his childhood and how he was never really able to enjoy it when he spent most of his teen years taking care of his friends. His family never helped with it either— always putting excessive amount of pressure on him to do his very best.

He hated to admit it but Jaegeun held a small grudge against his dad's two friends. The blonde had never met them before they died but he felt a little mad that they didn't think of how Jimin would feel throughout their whole relationship. Jimin had told his son nothing but good things about them yet it only made the younger's blood boil.

They were selfish for taking advantage of his dad's heart. It frustrated Jaegeun that Jimin only looked at the positive side of the situation. The older man always said "If I never met them, then I would've never met you."

Jaegeun would only stay quiet, silently promising himself he would never put as much time and effort on his friends like his dad did.

He didn't want to make the same mistake as Jimin.

"Isn't it kinda late?" Jaegeun questioned, sitting on the other couch while looking around the living room in slight awe.

The penthouse was bought after the two moved to the States for the sole purpose of not having to spend their visits in South Korea at Jimin's childhood home— which was where Jaegeun stayed for the first year he was adopted. The blonde had only come back about two or three times after they moved abroad but each visit was only a week or less. In result, Jaegeun never got to familiarize himself with the new place.

Though it was nice if he had to admit. The view overlooking the city of Seoul was breathtaking by itself.

"Yeah but Gyuri was too excited to see you. You know Cheol, he can never say no to her." Jimin laughed, sitting up with his elbows propped on his thighs. "Cheol won't stay for long since Jin-Hyung wants him back by dinner but Gyuri's staying overnight since Kook's busy tonight."

Kim Cheolmin was Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin's sixteen-year-old son. The couple found a surrogate and used Seokjin's sperm, hence why he looked so much like his older dad. Jeon Gyuri was Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook's fourteen-year-old daughter. The two did the same as their friends and used Taehyung's sperm which was why Gyuri resembled her dad an awfully lot.

Jaegeun, Gyuri, and Cheolmin were extremely close despite the oldest of the three living overseas.

The boy hummed in response, leaning his head back with closed eyes. He still felt a little jet lagged from the flight and a headache was surely making its way into his system— one of the soul reasons why he hated any form of traveling.

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