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If the sky had the ability to speak, would it voice its disappointment?

Surely it felt washed out by the world's poor choices.

Maybe the sky dimmed during the night hoping we would give ourselves the chance to reflect on our actions. The pretty red and purple hues during sunsets might served as pleas to do so. Perhaps the occasional grey clouds and heavy rain showcased its painful cries and frustration over our stubborn nature.


Had the sky ever thought of giving up?

What were its thoughts when thousands of sirens screamed each day— running and panting and hurting to save those lives taken by their own owners? Did it ever scoff at the sight of someone giving up? Thought 'I've lived billions of years yet a human wasn't able to endure the rest of their one chance of life'?


At least that was what Jaegeun imagined.

Park Jimin kept his blue orbs on his son. The younger boy sat across from his dad's seat, belt unbuckled while his heterochromatic eyes admired the rolling clouds underneath the jet's windowsill.

The thirty-six-year-old grinned softly. Jaegeun was growing up— he still remembered the first time he met his son in the adoption center. He immediately reminded the man of his two beloved friends.

Oh, how much he'd missed them.

"Geun-shine." Jimin called out, the younger snapping his head toward the sound of his name.

Over the years, as Jaegeun grew up, he slowly started feeling embarrassed whenever his dad called him 'sunshine' in public— even had multiple petty arguments about. But one day, the nickname 'Geun-shine' appeared in Jimin's head— 'Geun' from Jaegeun and 'shine' from sunshine.

He thought it was pretty clever.

His son did not.

Jaegeun thought otherwise but it was better than the last nickname so he never bothered to complain.

"You still mad at me?" Jimin questioned with a raised brow, reaching to the table over their legs and grabbing his cup of coffee.

"I'm not, Jimin." Jaegeun huffed, pulling off his earphones and wrapping the chord around his phone.

Jimin was his adoptive father— and he even saw him as his real father— but a year or so after he was adopted, Jaegeun started calling him by his first name instead of Appa. He was his dad but he acted like an older brother most of the time. Jimin didn't mind much, the brunet thought it only made them closer.

As long as he didn't use it in a rude manner then there would be no complications.

"You've been quiet since we got in the jet. Don't lie to me, kid." The older man sighed, taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee.

"Just—" The younger started, face contoured while trying to piece the right words together to which his dad wouldn't take offense to. "Why do I have to move with you when it's only your work? I'm fine by my own in the States."

"We've been through this conversation a million times, Geun. How many times do you want me to repeat myself?" Jimin shook his head, exhausted from all the bickering they've done in the past few week.

"I can take care of myself, Jimin. And if I can't, we have maids to take care of me." Jaegeun whined. His dad's face dropped to a serious expression knowing playing nice guy wasn't going to cut it anymore.

The seventeen-year-old gulped.

"For the last time, Jaegeun, you just turned seventeen. You won't turn eighteen until the end of high school. Until then, you are still under my care— my responsibility. Once you graduate, you're free to chose which ever college or university you wanna go to and if it's back in the U.S., then I'll support it, capiche? I already missed the first few years of your life, are you really gonna take away another year from me?" His tone softened at the last sentence, making his son feel guilty knowing he sounded like an ungrateful brat.

"Capiche." Jaegeun mumbled, unwrapping his earphones and blocking out the sound of the private jet's engine once again.

"But you're still upset, aren't you?" Jimin questioned with a lazy grin. His son refused to answer, turning back to look down at the tall buildings towering over the heart of South Korea.

The man reached over the table, tickling the younger's sides like he usually did whenever he was upset. Jaegeun quickly gave in, laughing while prying the male's hands off of him.

Jimin watched fondly as a smile willingly displayed itself on his son's face— one that never failed to remind him of a certain brown-eyed brunet's. Straightening himself back in his seat, he admired the way Jaegeun's sea blue and sanding hazel eyes hid behind his apple cheeks every time he let his happiness show. His cat-like eyelids similar to an old blue-eyed friend's that Jimin kept close to his heart.

With content sighs, they both turned away, looking down at the city underneath their feet.

They'd be landing in Seoul shortly.

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