♪ 7 ♪

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Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: Cherry Wine by Hozier


Gyuri sat quietly with the Kims in their dining room, pushing the food around her plate with a fork. She didn't feel like eating, her appetite had been pretty low these past few weeks.

It felt like it'd been forever since the last time she'd spent a proper meal with at least one of her dads. She'd spend dinner at Namjoon and Seokjin's home almost all the time and ever since Jimin moved back, she'd crash the night at his penthouse from time to time and ate breakfast with them.

This caused her to slightly envy Jaegeun and Cheolmin.

She silently watched the family in front of her, the three males laughing at a joke Seokjin made. Namjoon would occasionally ruffle Cheolmin's hair or give him a fist bump as a small gesture of praise whenever the boy brought up something he'd accomplished during the day. While the two conversed, Seokjin would listen while filling his son's plate with more food.

Jimin was the same way with Jaegeun. The blonde might have been adopted but the older man never once made it seem like he was. Whenever Gyuri stayed in the penthouse, she'd observe the way Jimin spoiled his son— always making time for him even if his schedule didn't allow him to. While they ate breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the brunet would ask 'how are you?' Or 'how's everything?'.

She couldn't even remember the last time her parents asked such questions.

Gyuri was an outsider.

Sure, the three adults treated her like their own daughter but she had her own parents that should be taking care of her instead of them. She wanted her own family.

She lost that family the day her dads broke apart. It'd been three years since she'd been on her own.

Her mind kept wandering back to lunch earlier that day. Bomi and Chunhei's conversation refusing to leave her thoughts.

Maybe she also envied them.

"Gyuri, you alright, sweets?" Seokjin questioned caringly, placing a hand on top of hers. The girl looked up, dazed orbs meeting his concerned, blue ones.

"Yeah, I'm alright." She assured, sealing her lie with an empty smile.

Sometimes it almost frightened her how believable her white lies had gotten over the years.

"Why aren't you eating your dinner? Do you not like it? I'll go cook something else for you—"

"No, no— it's fine, appa. I'm just a little tired— don't feel like eating much."

Seokjin squinted his eyes in suspicion. Maybe she had gotten better at lying but that didn't stop the male from seeing through them.

He wasn't oblivious like his husband.

"I talked to Kook and Tae earlier." Namjoon interrupted and Gyuri wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but she was glad he got her out of his husband's scolding.

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