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Jaegeun couldn't help himself when he took several glances at the brown-eyed boy throughout the whole class period.

He sat in between Yoongi and Hoseok as he usually did and noticed the odd atmosphere surrounding them. It was almost suffocating. The oldest of the three would usually return a snarky response every time Hoseok teased him or chewed his gum obnoxiously loud.

But this day was different.

He just remained silent or tried averting everyone's attention back to the teacher or their project, almost ignoring the orange-haired male's comments. Jaegeun found it very weird.

Especially since he excused himself at the start of lunch and no one had seen him until after it.

Hoseok wasn't acting like his usual self either.

He would usually be the keeping the conversation going, forcing Jaegeun to talk since he knew that if Yoongi responded first, an argument would break out. Besides the few teasing jokes he cracked, he was an awfully lot more quiet.

Jaegeun nudged Yoongi's side while Hoseok was busying himself by scrolling through social media on his phone, not noticing. And even if he did, he chose to ignore.

"Hyung," the blonde whispered, pulling the older boy out of his thoughts. "You okay?"

"Huh?" Yoongi looked at him before his question finally processed in his head. "Oh. Yeah, yeah. I'm good."

"You sure? You seem off." Jaegeun questioned in concern, a pout on his rosy lips.

"Yeah, just thinking." The boy assured. It wasn't a completely lie nor was it the full truth. The conversation he had with Hoseok during lunch refused to leave his mind.

We're both just normal human beings who want to prove society wrong.

Those words taunted him and his previous views of the other male. Every bad thing he had ever said about Hoseok in the past came rushing back to bite him in the face the moment he saw those painful burn marks scarring the emerald-eyed boy's hand. Although green orbs served a greater value in their world, whoever possessed them wouldn't have a guaranteed perfect life when greed and standards always found a way to disrupt the equation.


It consumed every part of Yoongi's body.

Perhaps sand did reflect at the presence of an emerald flame.

"You're doing it again." Jaegeun deeply sighed before the bell rang and it was the end of the day.

The three stood up, a thick silence casted over them like a shadow. They walked out of the classroom, the blonde between the two older males. Jaegeun was generally a quiet person but he didn't like it when others around him were the same because it only created an awkward tension in the room when no one was willing to start a conversation.

But he still made no effort in leading one when his blue and brown eyes were too busy staring at the shorter, peach-haired boy to his right.

Yoongi was still zoned out, eyes on the pavement as they exited the building. Even if he wasn't intentionally pouting, the shape of his lips had a permanent form of one. The brown orbs hidden behind delicate lashes never failed to provide a sense of comfort for the blonde.

Jaegeun opened his mouth, about to speak, until a small sound of surprise escaped his system when an arm snaked around his waist. He was pulled away from Yoongi and closer to Hoseok, snugged against his side. The blonde's hand instinctively held the hand resting on his hip, afraid he'd fall if he let go.

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