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Strap yourselves, we're going down memory lane >:)

P.S. Whenever something is described between Jaegeun and Sope, can you guys not say things like "Jaegeun that's your dad's reincarnated boyfriend" or something. It was funny at first but If you really think about it, Jimin is 36 and TE Hoseok is only 17 (a MINOR) and TE Yoongi is only 18 (also a MINOR in South Korea). So it's pretty weird :/ (Remember OE Sope and TE Sope aren't the same people)


Play this song while reading cuz it helps set the mood :)

It's up there too if this one doesn't work for you☝🏼

Song: hostage (1 hour loop) by Billie Eilish


20 Years Ago

"You're clumsy, you know that?" Yoongi teased, adjusting the male on his back.

"Yes, I'm aware." Jimin rolled his eyes, tummy pressed against his boyfriend's back and arms loosely hung around the mint-haired male's neck. He hoisted himself a little higher, using Yoongi's hands under his thighs for support as he peaked over his shoulder to take another look at his own bandaged foot. "I've been scolded multiple times for it."

"Oh, yeah? By who?" The older asked knowingly. He didn't smile much but Jimin knew by the tone of his voice that he was being playful like he usually would be with the smaller boy. It made Jimin feel special to know he was one of the only people who Yoongi felt comfortable around to be able to act like himself.

"You." The sixteen-year-old boy huffed, resting his tiny hands on top of Yoongi's mint locks.

The older high schooler laughed, turning his head to the side to take a quick glance at his pink-haired boyfriend. "How will you survive in the future if you can't even walk properly?"

"I can!"

"You tripped on your own foot and sprained your ankle. Next."

"You're mean."

"Am I?" Jimin could almost hear the grin Yoongi was sporting along with a tone full of mockery. "Too bad you're stuck with me for the rest of your life."

Jimin knew the other male intended for the statement to sound negative— implying that it's karma for even agreeing to be with the older boy in the first place— but he couldn't stop the giddy smile surfacing on his chubby face. Whether Yoongi intended it or not, his words gave Jimin a sense of comfort.

He never liked the thought of the future-- the unknown. Jimin had been forced to focus on the present instead of thinking ahead and scaring himself by the dread of untouched territory. His parents were very strict when it came to his education so you'd always find him studying every chance he could get. He didn't like the thought of living life the same way he had been living all these years.

The future sounded miserable.

But just thinking of spending it with Yoongi somehow set a hum in his eardrums and made his situation sound a little more pleasant.

Jimin was happy to know that Yoongi saw him in his future.

Hinted that they had a future.

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