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Note: Gyuri will be calling all of her older guy friends "oppa" because they live in Korea and it is proper honorifics so if you find it weird in any way, then that's on you for sexualizing the term 🗿

Well... not really since it's the internet's fault but still 🙂


"Geunie-Oppa!" A girl immediately barged into the room after Jackson kindly opened the door for them.

She ran toward Jaegeun who swiftly caught her in his arms before she could tackle him to the ground.

"Hello to you, too." Jimin snickered, feeling offended that his niece chose to greet his son before him.

Gyuri giggled, blue orbs smiling. She hopped off of the blonde before jumping on the older male. "Jimin-Appa! I missed you, too!"

Jimin chuckled, ruffling her short, baby blue hair.

The three of them always called each other's dads 'appa'. It was just something that stuck since their childhood days. They would've also called Yoonji 'eomma' if it weren't for her threats to beat them up if they ever did.

Once Gyuri maneuvered herself to Yoonji, Jimin grinned at the boy standing by the doorway.

"What? No hug? Are we strangers now?" The man scoffed in a teasing manner though the younger male smiled, shaking his head.

Kim Cheolmin was a big introvert even when he was still a little kid. The boy always had a calm and composed exterior on, never really showing much bursts of emotions.

Jeon Gyuri, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She'd ramble on and on with every opportunity she got and wasn't afraid to display her natural, bubbly state. A boxy grin would almost always accompany her expression whenever she was around her friends and family.

Maybe that's why they were a perfect duo.

Jaegeun would be in between, balancing out their little trio. Whether he was introverted or extroverted, it really just depended on his mood. Right now, he was neutral.

"How was the flight, appa?" Cheolmin questioned, letting Jimin pull him into a bear hug.

"It was fine. Had a little argument with Geun-ah again." The man answered, looking back at his son who crossed his arms.

Cheolmin walked over to the older boy with a smirk. His eyes didn't display the same bright blue as Gyuri but instead showcased a beautiful sapphire-like hue. "What? Didn't wanna spend time with us, Geun-Hyung?"

"Gyuri's alright. You on the other hand." Jaegeun joked.

The younger male spent about seven years in the States because of his parents' marriage and work before he moved back to South Korea. Him and Jaegeun went to the same school and since they didn't really like making new friends, they mostly stuck with each other until Cheolmin had to leave. They were pretty close, almost like brothers.

"Too bad you gotta deal with me during school now." Cheolmin chuckled, propping his elbow on the older's shoulder since they were basically the same height.

"He actually won't have to, Cheol-ah." Jimin interrupted, his son looking at him, clearly confused.

"What do you mean?" The brunet furrowed his brows.

"He's not going to the same school as you two." The man informed him with a sigh, preparing himself for another argument. "Geun's going to the high school Ji-ah went to."

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