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Gyuri woke up a little earlier than she usually would on a Saturday morning.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee invaded her sense of smell while she stretch her limbs, pushing her comforter aside.

Her dad was home.

Without wasting another second, she hopped off her bed, immediately opening her bedroom door and entering the bathroom across the short hallway. Her eyes were still struggling to adjust to the bright lights which made it a little more difficult for her to go through her usual morning routine. She quickly brushed her teeth while using the toilet to minimize her time and splashed her face in front of the sink after finishing.The girl didn't even bother properly wiping her face with a towel, instead using her shirt to dry it off.

She skipped to the kitchen, seeing her dad leaning against the counter with his phone in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other. He didn't seem to notice, or at least acknowledge, his daughter's presents so she walked over, wrapping her petite arms around his waist from behind.

"I missed you." Gyuri mumbled quietly, cheek squished against his back.

"I haven't been gone for that long, Ri-ah." Jungkook chuckled, patting her hand that was holding tightly onto his shirt before taking a sip of his morning coffee.

It was true, he hadn't been gone for that long— at least not as long as his other trips. A week was nothing compared to his past work-related travelings which ranged between two weeks to almost a month.

But it felt a lot longer now that Gyuri also had Jimin and Jaegeun around. Seeing them with a bond the same as the one Cheolmin had with his dads, it only made her miss her own parents even more.

"It felt like a year." The girl complained with a pout, letting her arms fall back by her sides.

"Stop being so dramatic." Jungkook laughed again, ruffling her hair as he passed by to sit on the small dining table. "I made you breakfast."

Gyuri's heart swelled, not having tasted her dad's cooking in a long time. It'd been so long that she forgot how it even tasted.

The male pointed at the dish across from where he sat. "Oi naengguk, your favorite, right?"

The blue bubblegum's smile faltered.

No, it was not her favorite— hadn't been for years— but her dad still made something for her so she was grateful enough to display an even bigger grin.

"Yep." She lied, sitting across from him. "So how's work been?"

"Stressful." Jungkook answered and nothing more than that. Not even a 'what about you, Ri-ah?' or 'How's school?' uttered afterward so his daughter took it as a sign that it was up to her to keep the conversation going.

"My blue hair's kind of growing out, I need to touch up the roots again." Gyuri hummed, holding up a short strand from her fringe. It wasn't the best conversation starter but she wasn't used to talking to her dad as much as she was doing now. She didn't know how to talk to him anymore if she was being honest.

"I'll lend you some money for the salon." The male simply said while typing something through his phone.

"Can you take me to the salon tomorrow?" His daughter asked— a little too hopeful. "Then we can go to the mall or just have lunch and—"

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