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The two arrived at Hoseok's place, Jaegeun looking around the property with curious blue and brown eyes.

It seemed more like a mansion similar to his grandparents' home and the place was located in a rich neighborhood— which was expected— though it wasn't something the blonde wasn't already used to since he lived most of his life on the privileged side (despite his brown eye) because of Jimin.

"This is your place?" Jaegeun thought out loud, slowly getting off of the bike once the older male turned the engine off.

"My parents." Hoseok corrected, taking off the helmet and hanging it back on the handle. He ruffled his own hair to make sure it didn't look flat before leading both of them through the front doors.

The first thing the younger noticed after stepping into the house was that it felt nothing like a home. The open living room looked more like a five-star hotel's lounging area rather than a place for family movie nights or a hang out spot for friends and relatives who came over. A massive portrait to the right was the only wall accessory in the entire space. It was a photo of Hoseok's parents standing behind him with full authority while he sat in the front. There were no smiles to be seen on any of the three and it was admittedly quite sad to look at.

Thankfully, his mother and father were nowhere in sight so the two high schoolers were free to head up to Hoseok's room. Jaegeun really didn't feel like meeting the male's parents.

"You can just put your stuff on the bed." Hoseok spoke up, entering his room and tossing his own bag on the mattress. He slipped his school blazer off and carelessly threw it on the couch.

The blonde observed his surroundings, neatly placing his things on the couch instead of the bed since he was too afraid of somehow ruining the white comforter. "Your room's very... bare." He simply commented

"No point in trying to decorate when I don't consider this place a home." Hoseok laughed, the other male nodding in understanding. It sounded depressing and, frankly, the younger was a bit curious as to what kind of childhood the emerald-eyed boy went through.

Jaegeun took a quick glance at the pile of medals on top of the desk which the other male caught. "I don't hang up achievements. They're meaningless to me if I know I receive them not cuz of what I'm capable of doing but cuz of what I'm able to show." It was a confusing statement but the blonde knew he was referring to his own eyes.

He was the opposite. The male even brought some of his favorite achievements from abroad to hang up in his room in the penthouse. Unlike Hoseok, it was hard for someone like Jaegeun or Yoongi to experience any form of winning.

The system was established through the strain of their failure.

"I came here for a Psych project not a Creative Writing essay." The younger reminded, taking his blazer off and draping it on the back of the couch. Maybe he was being a little harsh but he wasn't one to hide his distaste toward a person if he didn't like them.

"Right." Hoseok laughed, proceeding to tell the male to sit. He took his laptop out of a drawer and placed it on the coffee table before joining the other on the couch. "Do you remember the instructions?" Jaegeun shook his head. "Okay... then I'll pull up the class slides from Monday. The teacher probably posted them online with the project instructions."

Once the older did what he said he would, the blonde took a picture of the laptop screen with his phone just so he wouldn't have to search for the slide later on. He quickly skimmed through it. "I can probably work on the first two objectives and Yoongi can work on the last two."

"Then what am I supposed to do? There's only four objectives." Hoseok raised a questioning brow.

"You can figure that out yourself." Jaegeun mumbled, already starting his part of the project using his phone.

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