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I'm happy with your reactions to Bomi's scrne last chapter ☺️ I was really worried I fucked up with my writing and didn't do her feelings enough justice that most of you guys would still end up hating her 😩

Anyways, this is kind of like— the first girlxgirl couple I've included in any of my books 😳

Thank you for 10k reads ❤️


If Jaegeun was being honest, he didn't know what the project was about.

He tuned the teacher's instructions out right after he heard he'd be grouped with Hoseok and Yoongi. Lucky for him, the slides were uploaded online which was a huge relief because the blonde was more than sure that the brown-eyed male was too pissed to have actually listened while Hoseok... well, he probably didn't care enough to listen since his teachers most likely give him perfect scores regardless of his academic performance.

Green-eyed privileges.

"Are you sure you can't come with us, hyung? I even brought my extra contacts in case you change your mind." Jaegeun half whined. It was obvious he didn't want to spend the rest of the afternoon stuck with Hoseok without the brown-eyed boy around. He was dreading the awkward conversations and teasing he'd have to endure by himself.

"You don't have to keep calling me hyung. I'm barely a year older than you. Plus, we're in the same grade."  Yoongi insisted with a deep chuckle. "And I can't, Jaegeun-ah. I need to go to a parent-teacher meeting for Kwan's school. You'll survive without me, Hoseok doesn't seem to pick on you as much as he does with me."

"I don't like him." The younger mumbled, taking a quick glance at the green-eyed male waiting for him a couple feet away from the two brown-eyed boys to let them talk to themselves. Hoseok made eye contact with him and winked, grinning to himself when he saw the younger grimace.

It was true. He didn't like the walking orange popsicle and it had barely been five days since he knew him. Maybe it had something to do with Yoongi's hatred toward Hoseok that influenced Jaegeun's dislike but it was mostly because the blonde didn't like the fact that he clearly only picked on the brown-eyed male of the school.

"I didn't say you did, did I?" Yoongi laughed, patting the younger's back. "We all agreed to work on the project at your place this Friday anyways. I won't bail on you, I promise. Us brownies have to stick together."

"Please stop using that term." Jaegeun sighed, the older only shrugging. The blonde hated that word. His dad didn't work hard to pass a law that brought as much equality to brown-eyed people as he could just so brown-eyed people themselves would keep using the derogatory term.

The sad reality is that it's very normalized nowadays.

"I gotta go now before I'm late. If you need me, you have my number. See ya, Geun." The shorter bidded before walking away. He passed by Hoseok who smacked his gum annoyingly loud to purposely irritate the other. Yoongi flipped him off, walking out of the doors.

The orange-haired male chuckled, pushing himself off the wall and walking over to Jaegeun with a smile. It was hard to tell if it was genuine or fake but either way, the younger didn't return one back.

"You should probably put your contacts on before we go." Hoseok suggested.

Jaegeun didn't argue, nodding before excusing himself to head to the restroom while the older male left to wait for him by the parking lot.

The blonde didn't only have to spend the afternoon with Hoseok, he also had to wear contacts.

He hated wearing contacts. His dad bought custom ones for him (not because he wanted to, but because his son wanted them) and they were pretty much the safest kind to use especially since Jimin spent a lot of money to buy them. The blonde was thankful but it turned out that he had pretty sensitive eyes. No matter how good or safe the contacts were, his eyes would either end up irritated by the end of the day or just watery when he wore them for more than an hour or so.

In the midst of his grumbles, Jaegeun accidentally bumped into someone. He apologized quickly even though he was the one who almost flew across the room because of how big the other guy was. The man didn't acknowledge his words, only scoffing before walking away.

Jaegeun raised a brow, eyes trailing the male's back as he disappeared into another hallway. He felt like he should've been the one mad since the guy clearly saw him trying to take his contacts out of his backpack. The other could've stepped away and avoided the unnecessary crash. He didn't even look like a student— looked old enough to be a teacher on campus.

The blonde rolled his eyes, letting the situation go since him and Hoseok still had a project to work on.

The boy walked out of the restroom, blinking a couple of times to adjust under the contacts. They felt uncomfortable. He hadn't worn them in a while which probably would irritate his eyes faster than usual but it wasn't a big deal since he most likely wouldn't be staying longer than two hours at Hoseok's place.

Once he walked out of the building, Jaegeun gawked at the sight of the said male leaning against a motorcycle, a helmet dangling from the handle. Hoseok looked up, hearing the sound of incoming footsteps, before taking it and tossing the object to the blonde who barely caught it.

"I'm not getting on that thing." Jaegeun stated firmly, eyeing the vehicle with distaste.

"It's either this or you find your own way, sunshine."

The younger grimaced in response to the nickname. It reminded him of his dad's old one for him. "Guess I'm finding my own way."

The orange-haired boy shrugged, lifting his leg over the motorcycle and seating himself. "Suit yourself." Jaegeun panicked, realizing the other wasn't joking when he proceeded to put the helmet on.

"Wait! I was kidding." Jaegeun mumbled, glaring at the other. Even if his face wasn't visible due to the helmet, the blonde could almost see Hoseok's smug smirk.

The blonde got on, awkwardly wrapping his arms around the older's torso. "Kinda forgot we were working on the project today otherwise I would've brought my car." The emerald-eyed boy admitted. "Do you wanna wear the helmet?"

Jaegeun shook his head in response, the other humming, taking the other's arms and pulling them tighter around his body. Hoseok chuckled at the sound of the younger's surprised yelp before roaring the motorcycle to life.


This chapter was so uneventful, I'm sorry 😭 I promise next chapter will be a little better

I actually had a lot more things planned but I'm kind of tired tonight since I drove my family around all afternoon and watched a movie so I decided to put the rest of the events in a separate chapter (WATCH PARASITE IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY BECAUSE THAT SHITJDNSKD I HAVE NO WORDS it's not scary, just disturbing)

Also, the way Tautologic Eyes might end up with more chapters than Oxymoronic Eyes 😳 I've got a lot planned and we're not even half way

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