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Anyways... we're meeting Sope, piggos 🐷


"I'm worried about Gyuri, Jimin." Jaegeun voiced in the middle of the drive to school.

He sat in the front passenger seat while his dad drove with the radio humming soft tunes.

"Seems like things only got worse after the break up." Jimin sighed, dropping one hand and using only his right to steer the wheel.

"Are you gonna talk to Kook-Appa and Tae-Appa about it?"

"Most likely but I haven't even gotten in touch with them since we moved back last week. I'd try to call them but I'd either get sent to voicemail or the line's busy." The man tsked, mindlessly tapping his fingers on the stick shift.

Jaegeun nodded, looking back down at his phone.

"You're joining the dance team after school, right?" Jimin questioned, casually looking through his rare-view mirror to add caution to his driving.

The blonde nodded before realizing his dad's attention was on the road. "Yeah but I think it's just a meeting before the actual tryouts. It'll probably end in an hour and a half max."

"Noted. I have a meeting today but I'll make sure my schedule's clear later to pick you up. Just let me know a couple minutes before the meeting ends so I can get to you on time."

"You don't have to, Jimin. I can just ask Jackson-ssi to pick me up—"

"It's your first day, do you really think I wouldn't drive you to and from school? Let me spoil you, yeah?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "We'll pick up Ri and Cheol from Joon's house and we'll go for some take out at the penthouse."

Jaegeun snickered though nodded nonetheless.

He was grateful his dad found him. Jimin never once made him feel like he was adopted, always treating him like his own son— immensely spoiling him with love through his actions, his words, and materialistic things in life.

The younger male always claimed he was lucky to have a father like him but Jimin would refuse each time, saying he was the lucky one to have Jaegeun as his son.

"Appa." The blonde called.

"What do you want?" Jimin raised a brow, momentarily glancing at the male.

"What makes you think I wanted something?"

"You only call me appa when you need something from me, kid."

Jaegeun sheepishly displayed his eye smile, knowing he was caught. "I was just wondering if you still remembered the place you adopted me from."

"... Yeah?" Jimin squinted his eyes skeptically. "Why all of a sudden?"

"I wanna visit. See if— uh... a friend is still there." The blonde reasoned, tucking his shorter hair strands, the ones that wouldn't reach his hair tie, behind both of his ears and fixing his ponytail through the small mirror built in the car's sun visor.

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