Twenty Nine

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Okay everyone! This is it. The final three chapters! I really hope you enjoy them. As mentioned a few chapters ago there will be other books to follow this, but not a direct sequel. I will start posting the next one as soon as I can! 

Thank you so much for all of your support! 

While Boogie's group was saving Kimber, Ryan's group was deep in the warehouse. He stood back and watched as Sage had killed the last Devil in the main area with a throwing knife to the neck. Though he'd met many maidens before and spent time with Reaper and Cali a few times before, Sage was a different breed of Shieldmaiden that he was sure the Riders of Loki had never seen before. Willow and Bullet went to check the rest of the main level with Slate and Viper, each man looking for any sign of Kimber. Just as Sage was pulling her knife out of the dead man's throat Cali and Reaper entered the large, open room from the set of stairs that led to the basement. Both had blood splatter on their arms and Reaper was limping.

"Anything?" Sage asked the pair as she whipped the blade clean on her blue jeans.

Cali shook her head, blonde ponytail swaying with the movement, "Nothing but four dead bodies now."

"We didn't find anything either." Whiskey's tone was dejected as he called down from the top of the stairs that led to a smaller top floor. The men that had gone with him were following behind down the steps, but everyone froze at the sound of Ryan's phone ringing.

Ryan didn't hesitate to answer it through his ear piece, "Please tell me you found her." He was silent for a moment, listening to Boogie on the other end of the line before he was heading for the door. "We'll meet you there." he spoke before ending the call. "Boogie's group found Kimber, we need to get back to the clubhouse!"

Whiskey rushed to follow his president, the rest of their club hurrying behind him. He straddled his bike before turning to look at Bullet, who was the highest ranking Rider in their group. "Thank you for the help."

"I'm sure you'll find a way to pay us back." Bullet nodded to himself, "Go take care of your girl." The large man stood in front of the warehouse, bulky arms crossed over his chest as he watched the rest of the Sons of Odin prepare to head out. Their bikes came to life and within minutes they were riding out, it was quiet for only seconds after that before the rest of his group came out of the warehouse.

"It's just a sprain, leave me alone!" Reaper yelled at Willow, limping past him to get to her bike.

Willow clenched his jaw at his sister's tone, he really hated it when she raised her voice. "You still need to have it looked at."

"Is this why when we're working missions that they're never in the same group?" Sage asked Bullet as she stopped by his side, watching as the siblings argued.

The enforcer for the club merely nodded, "Let's get going! If I have to listen to you two squawk anymore I'll put a bullet in both of you." He snapped at Willow and Reaper before getting on his bike. He waited until everyone was ready before driving away from the warehouse and in the opposite direction that the Sons had just gone.


The moment Boogie's group was through the gate they were in a flurry of motion. Bikes were shut off quickly as he ran toward the van and threw open the backdoors. Jace's expression was pure panic and Kimber looked too pale to be healthy, her blood soaking into the mat underneath her. He instructed the prospect to move with him as he picked Kimber up the same way he carried her out of the house, but with Jace moving with him to apply pressure to her stomach while Slate held the door for them. Val's club had followed them back, wanting to make sure that they arrived home safe and she would need to see Doc about the bullet in her arm. Thankfully she had run into the clubhouse first and had instructed the women to get any of the children who were still awake out of the main room, they didn't need to see Kimber in the state she was in.

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