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The alcohol was finally setting in. Kimber sat in the same chair she'd been in for the past couple of hours, the bottle of José in front of her was missing a good portion of what it had started with and the room around her seemed to demand her attention. Ryan, Tank, and Red had wandered away from the table a few minutes ago leaving the young woman, the bottle and the VP of the club the only things left. "Are all the women here like that?" she asked Whiskey, eyes glancing between a few women who were older than her wearing little to no clothing and hanging off of any biker they could get their hands on.

"The hang arounds?" Whiskey followed her gaze to a corner of the room where Heather, probably the most used woman the club kept around, was currently shoving her tits into one of the men's face. When he received a nod in answer he sat forward in his chair, arms resting on the table so he was closer to her. "On nights like these they are, but there are other women. Some of the guys have old ladies, Red's daughter Siobhan stops by every now and then, and Slate-" he gestured to one of the men playing a game of pool "-has a sister, Piper."

Contemplating that for a moment she wondered if she'd get along with these other women because the ones who were here now, the 'hang arounds' as Whiskey called them, definitely were not her type of people. "Where are all of them at then?"

Whiskey chuckled thinking about the women in question, some of them having basically raised him, and how they would be acting if they were here. "This type of party isn't a normal family get together. Half of the men just got back from a week long ride and we tend to party pretty hard afterward. There will be a cookout tomorrow after the others return and then all of the families will be here."

"If this isn't a family friendly gathering than why am I here?" Her full attention was now turned toward him. Since he had leaned over the table they were sitting pretty close to one another which made it easier to talk over the music and loud laughter or yells that would randomly fill the room.

"Simple. Prez wanted you to know exactly what this life can be like. Even the not so PG parts like this." He grabbed the bottle off of the table and poured a shot into the glass that was sitting in front of her, raising it to his lips as he watched her process that information.

This was a part of the life. Men drunk off their asses with a few easy women milling about to provide what some would probably call entertainment. With a huff she grabbed the bottle and took a swig, not waiting for the man next to her to return the glass she had been using. Doubt filled her mind that she would never get used to this. Just get through whatever the hell is going on and move on with your life, she reminded herself as she watched her father cross the room back to their table.

"I'm going to turn in for the night. Want to be clear up here-" he tapped his temple "-when it's time for church tomorrow. Whiskey, will show you to the spare room I have set up when you're ready." He paused a moment, taking in the sight of his daughter surrounded in his world. "I'll be in the room across from my office if you need anything." With that the older man left the two and headed out of the room.

Whiskey looked at the old clock on the wall noticing that it was almost midnight. It was strange that Ryan was calling it so early and he had a feeling it had something to do with Kimber being here. "Pass the bottle?" he extended his hand, knowing that he was just getting started with his night and assuming that she was as well.

"Who said I was sharing?" She demanded as she lifted an eyebrow at him with a challenging look.

"Well considering I brought it over here for you I figured you could spare a little." He snatched the bottle from her hand before she could respond, "Plus, there's no way you're finishing this whole thing."

Kimber glared at him as he drank straight from the bottle just as she had. Their eyes were locked as he lowered the bottle from his lips and she didn't break that contact as she closed the space between them. "Watch me." She grinned as took the bottle back and stood up from her chair, ready to head outside again to get away from the noise. She could also go for another cigarette, she had been trying to quit smoking but between everything that had happened today and the amount of alcohol she had ingested she wasn't holding back the urge.

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