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Recovery was going to be a bitch. That was a fact that Kimber had been well aware of the past few years of her life, it was always a bitch. It had been three full days since she had been rescued and neither Doc or Lacy would approve her getting out of the bed in the infirmary, which meant none of the club was letting her sneak out of the bed either. In the time she had been awake she had filled in her dad, Whiskey, and Boogie on what had happened during her time with Drac. All three men were livid, but Boogie reminded them all that the rival president was dead and that there was nothing else they could do in terms of revenge.

After all of that was out of the way she asked to see Orion. It had been far too long since she had held her son and she needed to know that he was okay. Even though everyone had assured her that Max had kept her boy safe the night she was taken, she still needed to see it with her own eyes. When Whiskey had brought him into the room the first time she cried at the beautiful smile her son sent her way, the smile that shortly fell once the little boy realized that his mother was hurt. When he asked what happened Kimber quickly lied about how she was in a car accident. Though she had resigned to the fact that someday he would find out a whole lot more about what the club did, she hoped that it would be far in the future.

It didn't take long for Orion to take over the topic of conversation after learning that his mom would be okay. He told her about all of the fun games he played with Alice, how Piper had let him help make breakfast every morning by being in charge of making toast, and then proceeded to try to summarize every bedtime story Whiskey had read to him. Each day after that he would spend most of his time at his mother's side, not wanting to leave her for a minute in fear that she would leave or get hurt again. After a little convincing he would go off to play with Alice and the other kids for a little while so she could rest, but then he was always back to check on her.

Aside from her parents, Orion, Whiskey, and Boogie she hadn't been allowed to see anyone else because Doc had ordered that she needed to be left alone to rest. That was why, in the late morning of her fourth day stuck on bedrest, she was having a staring contest with the old man. She was tired of being locked up and she wanted to see the rest of the club.

"You need more time to recuperate, Kimber, you lost a lot of blood and that takes time for your body to replenish." He explained for what felt like the millionth time. The club's princess was stubborn, that was painfully clear to him now.

She sighed, "I've been in this bed for long enough for most of it to already be replenished and it's not like I'm going to go run a marathon! I just want to go sit in the barroom and talk to everyone." There were a few things she had learned about the man in the time she had been under his care. The weirdest thing being that the brothers all took his word to be law when it came to the infirmary or anyone that was injured and she had learned it the hard way. She had tried to leave the room to find Piper, but Slate caught her before she even made it out of the hallway and threatened to carry her back to the infirmary if she didn't go back on her own.

The older man shook his head at her in disbelief, she was too much like her father. "Fine, but you need to stay off of your feet. You find a chair and you plant your ass in it. Understood?"

Any other time she would have snapped at him for the way he spoke to her, but she was too excited to finally be free. "Plant my ass, got it!" She watched as Doc left in a huff after that, mumbling to himself until he was out of the room.

Though all she wanted to do was throw the blanket off of her legs and run toward the barroom she knew that it would only lead her right back to where she was. The first time she had gotten out of bed to use the restroom she had almost blacked out and if her dad hadn't been there she definitely would have ended up on the floor. Since then she took the process slow and in steps. Blanket off, legs over the side of the bed, pause. Stand up, pause. Wait until her body adjusted to being upright and then walk. It was tedious, but it kept her on her feet.

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