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About an hour of playing later the sound of engines filled the area of the compound. About twenty bikes pulled into the lot between the main building and the garage, the men riding them slowly pulling to a stop and parking in line with the bikes already there. The sound had both women and the kids stopping their actions on the swing set, Piper watching each bike that parked until she spotted a familiar head of blonde hair. "Alice, daddy's home!" she spoke with a bright smile as she lifted her daughter off of the swing and started walking toward the group.

Kimber watched as she continued to push Orion, a small smile forming on her lips as she watched one of the men hurry to meet Piper half way. The moment they were close enough he was wrapping both the mother and daughter in a tight hug, placing a gentle kiss to Alice's forehead before claiming Piper's lips with his own. The family took a few more minutes together before Piper was leading them back toward the swing set, letting Alice down so that she could run to join her new friend. She quickly took the swing back that she had been sitting in before as her parents caught up. Piper smiled at Kimber as they came to a stop in front of the kids, "Kimber, this is my husband Bishop." She introduced the two before looking back to the man at her side, "Babe, this is Prez's daughter."

Bishop stood frozen in shock for a moment, green eyes scanning the woman in front of him as if he was trying to place any similarities between her and his President, which was exactly what he was doing. Those similarites weren't hard to find as he watched her quirk an eyebrow much like Prez did on a regular basis. Extending his hand he gave her a friendly smile, "It's nice to meet you."

Kimber chuckled, wondering if all of the introductions were going to be this entertaining. Last night seemed to go over smoothly, but she chalked that up to the fact that the men she'd actually gotten the names of last night had known about her before she knew about them. "Pleasure." she agreed as she shook his hand.

"Daddy!" Alice wiggled on her swing, "This -Rion, he my friend." she told her father with a big grin.

"Orion, baby." Piper corrected her daughter with a gentle smile, the little girl was still having some problems with pronouncing words.

He knelt down in front of the swing the little boy was on and gave him a smile, "Hey, bud, my name's Bishop. You been good to my little girl?"

Orion nodded, "We played on the trampoline and I was extra careful. Alice is smaller than me so when we play together I have to be gentle."

Bishop laughed, ruffling the boys hair as he stood up, he was about to say something else when a voice not too far behind him cut him off. "Bishop, let's go man! We've got church."

Piper and Bishop both turned to look over their shoulders as Kimber took a step to the side to look around them, the voice causing some surprise. Her brow furrowed as she crossed her arms over her chest, watching the familiar man as he closed the distance between them, their eyes meeting each with cautious curiosity. What in the world was he doing here? "Sebastian?"

The couple in front of her shared a look of confusion before looking between Kimber and Boogeyman as the latter rounded the swing set.

"Pistol?" He asked with a smile as he stopped in front of her, the smile fading slowly as he took in the bruising on her face. "What are you doing here? I was only gone for a week, how much trouble did you get into?"

Kimber rolled her eyes as she reached out to slap his arm, "Maybe you would know if you hadn't missed our last date." she teased.

"Looks like you could have used it too." The comment was given as he reached for her face, gently placing his thumb and forefinger on her chin to lift it to get a better look. They were standing in the shade and with her face angled away from him when he'd first seen her he wasn't able to see the bruise that was forming. "Tell me you gave him hell for this." There was a clear anger in his eyes, but his tone only held worry.

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