Twenty One

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The two weeks following the court date Kimber felt as if she was the happiest person in the world. Even though there was still a threat that she was reminded of every time any of the club's men were with her, she barely worried about a thing. The local carnival-like fundraiser that Whiskey had mentioned before everything had happened was moved around a little to accommodate recent issues, but the day had finally come.

Getting everything set up had gone smoothly. A majority of the club was there to help set up booths as well as the local vendors setting up their own food trucks, everything was ready just before it was scheduled to start. Kimber had just finished stringing up a bundle of fairy lights on one of the ticket booths when she sensed eyes on her. She kept her attention on the lights until they were plugged into an extension cord before looking around for whoever was watching her. When her gaze landed on a pair of familiar green eyes she chuckled to herself as she got down from the ladder. Whiskey was still staying at her place and in the weeks that had passed she had caught him staring more than a few times, so it was nothing new. She was just surprised that he was doing it so openly. Just as she began to close up the ladder Jace jogged up to her.

"Hey, Princess. I'll take that. We need it to get the last set of balloons up." He explained as he grabbed it out of her hands. "You good over here?"

She nodded, "Just need to get the tickets and cash box from Lacy then I'll be in business." There was still about twenty minutes before people would start arriving, but everyone was hustling to wrap up the finishing touches.

"Sounds good, if you need anything let me know. I'll be pretty much running around all night to make sure everyone stays stocked up on what they need." With that he was hurrying back to the balloon pop booth.

Shaking her head Kimber headed toward the large SUV that was set back behind a couple of the booths. Lacy was in charge of the supplies for everything including the tickets and cash box that she needed for her own booth. Piper and Siobahn were both running similar booths around the large park, it would make the lines go by quicker and would make it so the patrons wouldn't have to walk too far if they needed more tickets for the games. There were other women from the club helping with games alongside the men, while other men were working as sort of a security team and the rest were just there to set up then tear down later. "Hey!" she spoke up to get Lacy's attention as she grew closer. It hadn't taken her long to learn that Lacy wasn't one to be snuck up, the older woman was jumpy and had a decent right hook.

"Hey, sweetie! I just finished going over your cash box to make sure it's all ready for you." Lacy shot the younger woman a grin before stacking a large roll of tickets on top of the metal box. "You should be set to go. Remember to use your walkie if you need anything while you're out there."

Kimber nodded as she took the things she needed from her new friend. All of the booths had their own walkie talkie as did the people who were going to be running around helping where they could and the guys running security. "Will do! Thanks, Lace."

She hurried back to her booth to get the last few things set up as the band was doing their sound check on the stage near the food truck line. There were already people showing up early to get a head start. It wasn't long until there was a full line of people coming to get tickets to start the games. With the never ending people the afternoon quickly turned into night and it seemed like the whole day had passed in a blur. Max swung by once it was clear that they were done and grabbed the cash box for her so she didn't have to worry about it as she began to take everything down. She had just folded up the portable table and was going to get started on the fairy lights when she realized that she wouldn't be able to reach them without the ladder.

"Need some help, sugar?" Whiskey asked as he approached her, having noticed the frown on her face once she focused on the top pole of the pop up tent.

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