Twenty Four

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Kimber stared Travis in the eye as he aimed the gun in the middle of her forehead. His eyes were wild and red, his skin was pale and his cheeks were sunken in. "You look like shit." she told him, wondering what drugs he was on now.

"I used to think you were so smart." He commented, as he closed the distance between the gun and her skin. "But insulting the person with a gun to your head is probably the dumbest thing you've ever done."

Adrenaline was coursing through her system and all of the training with Sebastian was flipping through her head like a slideshow. This is exactly what he had been preparing her for and she knew that there was no way Travis could overpower her in his current state. He was weak, his body damaged by whatever drugs he was pumping into his veins, and all she needed to do was get the gun out of his hand before she had the upper hand. "No, the dumbest thing I've ever done was marry you."

His eyes widened and an angry growl came from his chest, "You little bi-"

Before he could finish the insult Kimber moved quickly. In one swift move she ducked so that the gun was no longer aimed at her before swinging a vicious punch toward his ribcage. The pain caused him to lower his gun arm and she took the opportunity to wrap her hand around his wrist, pulling down on his arm as she brought her knee up to meet his elbow. A satisfying snap came from the joint as he dropped the gun. She kicked the weapon underneath her couch as she took a step back, readying herself for the attack she was sure he was going to launch on her.

"You got quick, baby. I like this fire in you." He spoke, barely registering the odd angle his right arm was hanging out from the elbow down. "It's going to be so much fun beating it out of you."

A dark chuckle drifted from her lips, "You'll never get the chance." Once the words were out of her mouth she turned and lifted her leg, the kick landing against his ribs in the same spot her fist had minutes before. He swung at her once she was standing again, but she dodged it quickly and landed her own punch against his left cheekbone. Whatever he was high on made his reaction time slow so it was no surprise that she was able to get behind him and put him in a headlock. All of the moving around during their fight had her back to the open door and just as she felt him slump in her arms the feeling of cold metal against her temple had her freezing.

"I should be thanking you for shutting him up." An unfamiliar voice spoke from behind her.

Kimber let go of Travis' unconscious body, watching as he slumped to the floor as she lifted her hands, "Pointing a gun at my head is a really strange way to show appreciation." The stranger laughed, keeping the gun in place as he stepped around her until they were facing each other. The man was tall and muscled, he had a bald head, beady brown eyes, and a brown mustache that sat just above the cocky smirk he was giving her. When her eyes fell on his cut she sucked in a slow breath. So much for being kept out of this shit show. She thought as she read the words on the man's patches.

Drac. President. Devils MC.

"What can I say?" Drac shrugged his shoulders slightly, "I do things a little differently." With that he moved the gun, but then quickly brought the butt of it down on her temple, knocking her out.

Max had made it out of the house with Orion still asleep in his arms and about halfway down the alley before he pulled out his phone and made a call. "Hey. I don't have time to explain, but I need you to meet me at the end of Kimber's block and I need you to hurry. I have Orion, but I need to go back to the house." He hung up after that, thankful that Piper didn't ask any questions. He kept himself and the boy in the shadows, his hand resting on his pistol in case he needed to pull it out at any given moment. After about fifteen minutes a familiar car pulled up a few feet away from them.

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