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The meeting had been going on for close to an hour now and Bishop was just wrapping up the main pieces of what happened on the last ride. The group of ten had been sent to make a trade with another MC about a days ride away that they had been on good terms with for a while now. Ryan had come to an agreement with the previous President of Valhalla MC and though he'd passed about a year ago, leaving the club to his only child, they maintained the same deal.

"Val and Jag were both more than thankful for the delivery. I guess things have been getting a little heated with the local drug lord and they needed to revamp their stock. Raven was all over those new AR's, looked like a kid in a candy shop." Bishop wrapped up with a chuckle.

Though more often than not in their world separate clubs steered clear from each other or had some sort of rivalry, like what they currently had going on with the Devils, there were few clubs who allied with others. Valhalla had always been a smaller club and with their main and only clubhouse being so close to their own it was a smart move of Jackal, the previous President, to strike the truce between the two clubs. Other than Valhalla the only other club that Ryan's affiliated with were the Riders of Loki, which was similar in size and territory across the country. It was easy for the three clubs to ally together in regards to the type of work they did and the fact that most of their founders had been from a Norse heritage which seemed to give them a similar moral ground.

Ryan sighed, "I assume that they know to reach out if it gets too bad?" He asked, looking between Bishop and Boogie since they had been leading the group.

"Yeah, I spoke to Jag before we left and let him know that we have their back if they need it." Boogie tapped his fingers against the table, "They seem to have it under control for now and the new toys that we gave them will help."

"Good. Anything else to report from either trip?" Ryan asked, glancing around at the men who had been gone. The other group had gone to pick up a shipment of weapons, they would need them to restock their own stash since they'd given part of it to Valhalla. When the men all shook their heads Prez nodded, taking a moment before breaching the last subject. "As you all know the issue with the Devils is getting worse. Last night, just outside of the building, Viper was shot down and though we don't have any proof it was clearly them. With that being said we're going to need to be more cautious and so will our families. I'm not calling a lockdown yet, but I want everyone to be sharp." He glanced at Whiskey, the two sharing a look before he continued on. "And because of that I had to do something I've been trying to avoid for twenty-six years. I've brought my daughter here in hopes to keep her and her son better protected."

The room was filled with multiple raised voices after his words settled in, most of it was in confusion and shock. The noise carried on for a few minutes before Whiskey was whistling to quiet everyone down. "Look, I know it's a shock to everyone, but that doesn't change anything other than the fact that we have two more people added to the family."

"Those of you who haven't yet will get the chance to meet Kimber and her son, Orion, at the cookout. Like the rest of the women she doesn't have all of the details when it comes to what we do, but she knows the basics." He explained, meeting each man's eyes as he glanced around the room. "You treat her with the same respect you give to the other claimed women and if you don't it won't be me you have to answer to."

Boogie's chuckle broke the silence that had immediately followed Prez's words, "Damn straight. I've been training that girl myself, she's quicker than most of you fuckers and doesn't take any shit so you best watch your mouths."

Ryan frowned in confusion at that, he hadn't been aware that Kimber had was being trained by the club's own trainer, but it did make a little sense. At least he knew for sure that she could properly handle herself physically. "With that being said I'll be making an announcement once we've all gathered and I'm sure that their waiting for us out there. Anyone else have anything to say before we wrap this up?" When he received no response he nodded slightly before standing, "Alright, then let's go see our families."

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