Thirty One

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Ryan sat at his desk in the shop, going over some paperwork that he had fallen behind on while the club had been busy taking care of everything. It had taken some time, but they had finally confirmed that the entirety of the Devil's club had been taken out during their rescue mission. All of his men were finally relaxing after months of being alert for any threats and things were going back to normal. Now all he had to worry about was making sure that business was still operating smoothly. He double checked the file in his hand before setting it aside at the same time the door to his office opened and his daughter strode in with a sour look on her face.

"I got fired." Kimber told him as she fell into the seat across the desk. "I called my boss today and I guess after I didn't show up to work for a week straight they just assumed that I had quit without telling anyone. Which makes sense and I'm not even mad about it, but what the hell am I going to do now?" She huffed after finishing her ramble.

He watched her for a few moments, making sure that she had gotten it all out of her system before speaking. "You could come work here." There had been a need for extra help for a while. Business had picked up since the prospects could help them get more cars in at a time. He had been planning on moving Jace to work the front since he was still learning about mechanics, but this would work out better. "You would schedule appointments, take payments and other stuff like that. You could even work in the back every now and again if you want."

"I didn't come here for a handout, dad." She groaned. All she wanted to do was rant a little and then maybe get some advice from him about what to do next.

"It's not a hand out. We need the help around here and it's basically the same job you've been doing for the past few years. It's just a different setting." Ryan leaned forward, resting his arms on top of his desk. "You'd be doing me a favor, actually. So, what do you say? You'll get paid more than you did at that other job anyway."

Neither of them said anything as she thought about it, with just the muffled sounds coming from the garage keeping it from being completely silent. "I'll take it." she finally answered. "But I don't want any special treatment or anything just because I'm your kid, alright?"

"Deal." He smiled at her, "You can start after Doc clears you for work."

She stood up from her chair, brushing her hand through her hair, "That's actually where I'm heading next. I promised him I would come check in since he let me go home last night. Like Whiskey wouldn't have brought me to the clubhouse immediately if something was wrong." With a shake of her head she headed for the door, "I'll talk to you in a bit, dad." she called over her shoulder as she left the room.

As she walked out of the shop she waved at the guys as they worked. With Viper back in the shop full time Jace was back to working at the security company so Max was shadowing Slate, who seemed to be losing patience by the minute, and Bishop was digging through his toolbox for something. She would have no problem spending her days here with them. Knowing that she had a job lined up lifted some of the weight off shoulders and now all she needed was Doc's approval to work then everything would line up.

She climbed into the passenger seat of her car with a frown. Since she hadn't been cleared to drive yet and Whiskey wouldn't let her ride with him on his bike until she was fully healed, she was stuck riding shotgun in her own damn car while Whiskey drove her around. "You knew he was going to do that, didn't you?" she asked as he pulled away from the shop.

He shrugged a shoulder, "I had a feeling. He's been complaining about needing more help up front for a while."

"You know you don't have to find ways to tie me down to the club anymore than I already am. I don't plan on going anywhere." She joked, wondering if he was worried she would suddenly disappear now that she wasn't in danger.

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