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Kimber smiled to herself as she pulled her Impala into the empty shop bay. Shortly after the history lesson on the club Ryan led the way to the shop on his bike, having made sure that they had a spot ready for her to work on the car earlier that morning. The shop itself wasn't too big, four bays total with enough room to work on whatever came in along with the multiple tool boxes and storage shelves. There was an attached office area and a couple of other doors that led into the same part of the building. As she killed the engine she could hear the music that bounced off of the cement walls along with the sound of power tools, the men seemed to be all caught up in their work. Finally stepping out of her car she took a moment to look around as Ryan came to join her.

"I'm going to check on a couple of things in the office, this is my bay so you can use whatever tools you may need. Also if you need any parts we have a small supply we can look into for you, no promises that we would have something for this year though." He explained as he tapped the hood of her car.

"I'm pretty sure it's a few of the spark plugs and I have the replacements in the trunk, but if I need anything else I'll let you know." She assured him with a soft smile, her hands already twitching with the need to get to work.

Ryan noticed the all too familiar ticking of her hands, his did the same thing when he'd spent too long without working on something. He chuckled to himself as he turned and headed for the office door, knowing that there was some paperwork sitting on the desk that needed to be taken care of. There was no doubt that she would be safe in his shop, especially with his men working near her. With Max doing a sort of apprenticeship there were at least four of them there during open hours and though Viper was out until he recovered they had pulled in Jace to help out. Out of the prospects Jace knew the most about mechanics, but his day job was working with Tank and Ghost at their security business and he only came in to help whenever he was needed. Max was learning quickly and had made his way up from doing simple oil changes to some of the easier parts replacements, another six months or so and he would be as good as the other three. Slate and Viper had basically been raised in the shop since their father had helped Ryan start it up and Bishop had started working there when he'd joined the club about six years ago. Satisfied with the thought that Kimber would be fine he sat down behind his desk and let his focus get pulled in by the paperwork in front of him.

Before getting to work Kimber pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and took another moment to look around the garage. Bishop rolled his creeper out from underneath a nineties model S-10 and stood, giving her a friendly smile before turning back to look at the motor. Slate was walking toward a semi empty bench space with an alternator in his hand and he seemed to be scolding the part, though she couldn't hear his words over the music. The two prospects were leaning under the hood of a beat up Chevy Cavalier, it looked like Jace was pointing something out to Max. She smiled at the sight of them all as she turned back to her car and popped the hood. When she had first put the car back together it was in the early stages of her marriage and Travis had taught her how to do everything from body work to fixing the engine. Since then she had been able to fix any problem that arose by herself, something she was thankful for, and the fact that it was something she thoroughly enjoyed didn't hurt.

It hadn't been long since she'd last serviced the car, having done an oil change and basic check of everything else about three weeks ago, but something was acting a little funny. She had noticed the sound when it was idling wasn't quite right and it had begun to vibrate the other day in a way different than it normally did from the engine power. All of that was leading her to assume it was a spark plug, but she wouldn't know until she started pulling them. With that thought in mind she moved to the tool chest her father had pointed out and began to grab what she needed to remove everything from the top so she could get to the plugs. The moment she returned to the engine and began to remove the first set of bolts she became lost in her own world, humming along to the rock music playing over the speakers as she worked.

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