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This was surreal. Sitting in an office in the back of a warehouse looking building that was on a plot of land that she had heard the man in front of her refer to as 'the compound', waiting for him to start explaining what the hell was going on. The fact that she was here was crazy enough, that she had left her son in the care of her mother and followed the older man in her classic car while he rode his motorcycle to this place. She needed answers and then she needed to get the hell out of there. "I get the basics, I know who you are, what I don't get is why now? It's been twenty six years and I'm just now meeting you. Why?"

"Kimber-" her name was a sigh that he had been holding in since they sat down, "I wanted to come to you before this. Fuck, I wanted to be a part of your life, actually be with you as you grew up instead of watching from a safe distance, but the life I have can be a shit storm and it's dangerous. I wasn't going to put my little girl in the middle of that if I didn't have to."

His little girl. The words had her studying him even further. Her father. The resemblance was there like it had never been with her mother. No, her genetic make up had come directly from this man, everything from her high cheekbones to her bright blue eyes. "So what changed?"

Ryan folded his hands in front of him, setting them on his desk as he leaned forward. "Shit has really hit the fan, somehow word has spread that you mean something to me and people will be coming after you because of that. Keeping watch from a distance won't keep you safe enough anymore and I need to be able to send my men to watch out for you and your boy. I need you to be on watch yourself."

She scoffed as she stood from her seat and pushed a hand through her hair. This was a fucking wreck, exactly what she needed after she finally thought things were clearing up in her life. "I'm going to need more information than that. If it was just me I wouldn't be as freaked out right now, but I have a son to think about here. He's literally the only thing that I worry about anymore and if something happens to him I will lose what is barely left of my sanity."

"Understandable. I will give you all of the information you want, but not tonight. What we're going to do tonight is inform those within the club who don't already know who you are, let them adjust to the information and get to know each other a bit. Then tomorrow when some of my men are back from a ride I'll call church and we'll hash everything out." Ryan stood from his own chair and moved toward her, placing his hands on her shoulders as he looked into the eyes that mirrored his own. "Can you just give me the night? I have a spare room lined up for you here, your mother will keep Orion for the night and then we can make a game plan for moving forward later."

She wanted to yell at him, how was she supposed to trust him? The man that just waltzed into her life and pulled her from everything she knew. But there was a little girl still in her chest screaming for the chance to know her father and that was what was would win out in the end. This was her dad and her chance to know him. "Fine, but I'm going to need a drink and I need to make a couple of phone calls."

"I can handle that. Why don't you head outside, stay inside the gate, but it'll be the only place quite enough to make a call. I'll have a beer waiting for you when you come back in." he offered as he headed for the door of his office with a small smile.

"Tequila." she demanded, walking past him and following the small hallway out of the back of the building and toward the barroom they had walked through earlier. She paused long enough for him the catch up and lead the rest of the way.

The moment that Kimber Hayes had strolled through the gates of the Sons of Odin compound all attention had been on her. Not that anyone would question why. The young woman had shown up with their President, looking like a bikers wet dream in tight blue jeans and a cut off black tee shirt. Add that on top of the fact that the classic car she pulled up in rumbled almost as loud as her father's bike and it was hard to miss her.

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