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The first bullet left her gun and she swore as she missed, but it did cause the bike directly behind them to swerve. Without hesitating she aimed at the next one over and fired again. Though this wasn't the situation that Seb was preparing her for he had always told her "act first and act fast". Well it looked like her lessons were paying off in more than one way as the second bullet hit it's target and took the bike sliding toward the ground. One down, five to go. She winced as the bikers behind them began to open fire, thankfully their aim wasn't that great since they were focusing on both driving and shooting.

"Hold on!" Whiskey yelled at her as he sped his bike up, wanting to put more distance between them and the group. Though he was glad that Bishop and Piper had gotten away safely, he was now very confused that none of the Devil's had taken off after the other couple. There was no doubt in his mind that Bishop would call for backup, but they had to stay alive until help arrived. Which meant pulling out any trick he could think of, even if it wasn't the safest thing for the woman behind him. He swerved, attempting to make it harder for the bastards behind them to get a shot in, "I know this is going to suck, but keep shooting!"

Kimber rolled her eyes, 'suck' was putting it lightly. She had done training with Seb with firearms, but it wasn't tactical training for aiming while in motion. A slew of swears left her lips as she took her aim again, hoping by some miracle that this time she could take out more than one bike. When her next two shots missed she grunted in frustration, "Either you need to stop driving like a maniac or we need a different plan. There are still five bikes behind us and I only have three rounds left."

If they weren't in a life threatening situation he would have smiled at her words, she was counting her bullets. Smart. "Take your next shots carefully, I have my pistol in my jacket too if we need it."

Taking a moment to refocus before turning back around she raised her arm to take her next shot, but the feeling of a bullet tearing through her jacket and into her left arm had her screaming out.

"Are you okay?!" The panic was clear in Whiskey's voice.

"Just keep driving!" She avoided the answer while pushing the pain back. There had been enough time in her life where she had to push past pain to continue on with her daily life, with the extra adrenaline in her system she could push through this to save their lives. With a new determination and an underlying hint of rage, she lifted the gun again and shot twice, successfully taking down one bike that swerved into the one to its left. Like the domino effect those last shots from her pistol had taken out three of the bikes, leaving them with two more. Before she could explain that to Whiskey a loud bang came from the rear tire, it had been hit.

For moments things seemed to play in slow motion. Whiskey did what he could to control the bike, but that was hard to do with a blown tire at the fast speed they were traveling at. The bike wobbled from side to side as he tried to slow them down, but it was futile and before either of them could prepare for it they were sliding off of the road. He pushed the bike away from them as best as he could, the last thing they needed was to get pinned under it. Gravel and concrete bit into his skin as he slid, both his jacket and jeans tore against the assault and he could only assume that Kimber was experiencing the same. They could both heal from the road rash and wounds that came from the wreck, but they would have to survive first. As they both rolled to a stop he could hear the sound of the two remaining bikes growing closer, he needed to do something fast before they opened fire again and even if all he wanted to do was lay on the rough ground to gain his bearings he had no time to waste. A quick glance to his side showed that Kimber was still conscious, bleeding, but conscious. The scrunched up look on her face told him that she was trying to fight through her own pain and that alone refueled his rage and his adrenaline. How dare someone attack a woman in his care. With a grunt he rolled on to his side and pushed himself up from the ground while he reached for his gun, the two bikes had slowed to a stop not far from him and it looked like at least one of them needed to reload. Taking the opportunity he raised his gun and fired with no hesitation between his targets, making sure that he hit both of them in the chest at least twice before moving closer. There would be no mistakes here, he would make sure the threat was completely taken out before checking on Kimber.

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