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Almost an hour had passed since Kimber and Boogie had started their training and Whiskey had been shocked at how the small woman handled herself while on the mat. It was clear that she put all of her focus on what was going on with her opponent, that she calculated every move she made and that she was anticipating Boogie's next one at the same time. She was a skilled fighter, more skilled than at least half of the club who were most accustomed to letting their fists fly and not stopping the fight quickly. The few times he had looked away from her to check on Orion he noticed that the little boy was just as focused on the fight as his mother was, he seemed to study everything that was happening. Whiskey could have sat on the ground next to the boy and watched Kimber work out her frustration for hours, but the feeling of his phone buzzing in his pocket took his attention away from the pair. A quick glance at the device showed that it was his Prez. "Hello?" He answered as he stood up, moving toward the opposite end of the room to take the phone call in private.

"We have a problem."

"What happened?" Whiskey's eyes glanced back to Boogie and Kimber, hoping that whatever was going on now didn't involve her ex. He was sure that she couldn't handle any more stress.

"The shipment is fucked. Red and Skylar went to pick it up and the whole thing was gone. Red says it looks like someone stuck explosive in the boxes."

Whiskey swore to himself, they needed that shipment to make up for the weapons that they just gave to Valhalla. "Devils?" The rival MC had been messing up too much of their business lately and after the most recent attack on Viper they had just been waiting for them to try something else.

"There's no sign that they were there, at least nothing obvious. Ghost is going to run through the footage once he's done at Kimber's place. I need you to head to the yard and see if anything is salvageable. Red and Skylar are still there, but I want your eyes on it."

"What about Kimber and Orion?" He turned so he was facing the wall, he needed to focus on the problem at hand and watching the woman in question as she attempted to take Boogie down to the mat wasn't helping.

"Put Boogieman on them for now. We need to get this taken care of."

Nodding to himself Whiskey headed back toward the only other people in the gym, "You got it. I'll give you a call once I get to the yard." He hung up as he reached the edge of the mat, watching as Kimber kicked Boogie's legs out from underneath him. "Boog." He called to get the other man's attention.

Boogie man looked to his VP, seeing the familiar crease between his eyebrows that told him something was wrong. "Take five, Pistol." He told her as she stood up and followed Whiskey who was now walking toward the main doors.

Whiskey waited until they were far enough away from the mother and son before he spoke, "There was an attack on the shipment. I've got to go see what I can find at the shipping yard, you're on protecting them until I get done." he explained, tone stern.

"Fucking Devils." Boogieman looked over his shoulder, watching as Kimber laughed while Orion pretended to be taking on invisible attackers. "I've got them. Take my bike, I'll ride back with Kimber and then we can swap back later."

Whiskey nodded, knowing that it was the only option even if he preferred his own bike. "Sounds good, brother, I'll call you with an update. Expect to have church either tonight or tomorrow." He added just before walking away and heading toward Boogie's small office, knowing that it was where the keys to the bike would be. Pulling Kimber's keys out of his pocket he sat them on Boogie's desk and snatched up the smaller set of keys.

The ride to the shipping yard they used for their business did nothing to calm him down, if anything it only made him more mad. There was no one else in the area dumb enough to mess with their property and if anyone from out of town had come in they would have heard about it before now. That left The Devils as the responsible party and considering how hard they were beginning to push for the Sons to move their club out of the town it only made more sense. They would have to do something sooner or later to take care of the Devils. Whiskey contemplated the thought as he parked the bike next to the other two that were already sitting just outside the main door.

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