Twenty Two

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The next few days were full of meetings for Whiskey. Almost all of them were with Ryan as they were trying to come up with a game plan to bring to their men. Too much time had passed since their warehouse had been attacked and though they were able to replace the weapons, they still needed to retaliate. The club needed to send a message that they wouldn't take lightly to wrongs done to them and that they were a strong enough force to protect Kimber from being taken or harmed. That day the leaders of the club had spent all morning and a few hours of the afternoon locked in Ryan's office before they finalized a couple of different options to present to their men, from there it would be a vote to select a plan and change it if anyone had a valid reason to.

It was reaching the end of Kimber's work day and Boogieman had been camped out at the coffee shop across the street from her office building all day. The patio in front of the building had the perfect vantage point to see through the front windows of her office so they could keep a direct eye on her unless she left her desk. He was on his fourth or fifth cup of black coffee, having lost count around lunch time when Kimber had joined him on her lunch break, and he was ready to get out of there for the day. No matter how much he enjoyed being able to give her a hard time over her professional work attire, he hated sitting in one place for hours at a time. The sun had been hiding behind some clouds most of the day which allowed him to discard his sunglasses on the table next to his phone, but there was also a slight breeze which had caused him to tie up his long blonde hair into a messy pile on top of his head. He had just glanced at his watch for the seventh time in the past ten minutes when his phone began to buzz on the table, Whiskey's name popping onto the screen. "Hey VP." he spoke as he placed the device to his ear, eyes focusing back on Kimber.

"We're calling a meeting. Have Kimber come with you after she picks up Orion. We're calling in everyone." Whiskey explained. Even with Travis taken care of the threat from the Devils kept the security tight on Kimber.

A glance at his watch told Boogie that she would be walking out of the doors within the next fifteen minutes. "You got it. We'll be there as soon as we can." With that he hung up so that he could send a quick text to Kimber. He knew it would all move a lot quicker if she was ready to go straight from the school back to the club instead of her house.

When the notification on her phone went off Kimber ignored it as she was focused on an email. She had just a few more things to wrap up to prepare for tomorrow before she could leave for the day. Once the email was sent off and she was sure everything else was in order she grabbed her phone and read over the message. Her right eyebrow shot up in question, the whole club hadn't been pulled into a meeting since just after she got hurt and it caused her to wonder what was wrong now. Deciding not to worry about it unless she was told otherwise she clocked out, packed up her things, and stood from her desk. She took a moment to adjust her pencil skirt as it had a tendency to rise up a little when she sat down before she stopped by her boss' office to tell him bye then headed out the door where Sebastian was already waiting for her.

Boogie saw her coming toward the door and opened it as she reached it. "I'll follow you. We don't have time to stop by your place." Was all he said as they walked around the side of the building to the small parking lot.

She unlocked her car door as he climbed on his bike, only hesitating for a moment as she voiced her worry. "Has something happened?"

"Not that I know of." The words were the only answer given as he waited for her to get in her car. He knew what the meeting was going to be about, but he knew better than to give Kimber any details of what was going on. Even if he wanted her to be aware of the danger to her life, he couldn't break the club rules.

It was clear that she wasn't going to get any real answers and at that she rolled her eyes. She hated being left in the dark. Deciding to ignore it for now she got into her car and quickly started the engine. The drive to Orion's school took about fifteen minutes. As they headed toward the parking lot she noticed that Viper and Ghost were waiting there as well, their bikes parked at the back of the lot so they didn't bring unwanted attention to themselves. She had been assured that the protection detail still on her and her son was precaution since the Devils had attacked the club multiple times, but she was beginning to think that something more than that was going on.

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