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The day following the family dinner had a slow beginning. Kimber got Orion on the bus before heading back inside of the house, figuring that it was still too early to call Ryan she decided to take some time to enjoy her coffee and relax in front of the tv. Not that she was really paying attention to the news that was playing, as the days passed it seemed that it was harder to keep her thoughts from drifting to her dad and his club. She hoped that once she returned to work on Monday that it would provide a good distraction from her current problems, but there was also a nagging voice in the back of her mind that told her until she made a decision that nothing would be able to distract her from it.

A quick glance at the clock on the wall told her that she had been sitting in the same spot for about an hour and still she didn't have any idea what was going to come of her current predicament. With a determined huff she pushed herself up from the couch, she would spend some time getting herself ready and then give Ryan a call before heading to the compound. Since Travis had left his most recent mark on her body she hadn't spent too much time worrying about her appearance, mostly because she hadn't left the house much, and now that the bruise was so close to being gone she wanted to spend some time pampering herself a little. Her favorite routine for getting ready was with a drink, some loud music, and her stash of make up she probably spent too much money on for how rarely she used most of it. Today would be a day that she pulled out the barely touched pieces, though she'd swap her normal drink of booze for coffee due to the time of day. With that thought in mind she made a quick stop in the kitchen to refill her mug and grab her bluetooth speaker before heading for the small bathroom attached to her room. As she walked through the house she scrolled through her playlists before settling on a variety of newer rock. It could be said that more often than not she preferred the classics, but she enjoyed a variety of rock and even some pop when in the right mood. With the click of a button the sounds of a heavy guitar riff bounced off the walls of her bathroom causing her to dance slightly as the drums kicked in while she pulled her makeup out from under the sink.

Kimber took her sweet time getting ready, the time to herself and the focus it took to apply the arsenal of products laid before her helped to clear her mind. By the time she was done close to two hours had passed and she looked more put together than she had in a long time. Her makeup wasn't dark, but it was detailed. The pinkish hues of the different shades of eyeshadow blended together almost seamlessly and they made the gold flecks around her pupils pop, the black line that trailed just above her lashes wasn't too thick and her lashes looked fuller than they normally did. That work paired with amount of foundation and contour she used to help cover what remained of the bruise around her eye made her feel like she finally had something under control. Thankfully it only took half the time to straighten her hair and get dressed so she was out the door within that two hours, already having sent a text to Ryan to let him know she was on her way. Since he had mentioned they would probably make a trip over to the garage today she wore an old pair of skinny jeans with rips that had been caused during other work she had done on her car, she didn't bother buying her pants torn because she normally did a fine job of roughing them up herself. The light blue denim was paired with a plan grey tee shirt and her trusty black combat boots.

The calm that getting ready brought to her lightened her mood, that paired with the warm weather outside had her grinning and jamming out to the loud music coming through the speakers in her car. Both front windows were rolled down, her hair whipping around as she sang along to the Blacktop Mojo song and smoked the cigarette currently resting between her fingers. The drive took about twenty minutes and as she slowed down at the gate she waved at the prospect who was on duty, Jace.

"Hey princess!" He gave her a smile as he stepped away from the gate and toward her car as she came to a stop. "Pretty sure Prez is in a meeting with Whiskey and a few other guys, but you can head on in."

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