Twenty Three

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Hey everyone! I just wanted to say a quick thank you for all of the love and support on this book so far. Thankfully, due to an unexpected urge to mass write, I have three chapters to post tonight! Please take this as a token of my appreciation.  

All my love! 

The rest of the week went by fast. Wednesday night's dinner with Ryan's small family had been smooth, other than when he had questioned Kimber about her growing relationship with Whiskey. That had been a little awkward to say the least. Thursday afternoon and evening had been spent making sure that they had enough guns, ammunition, and small explosives for their plan. Thankfully the club always kept their stash of weapons fully stocked otherwise they would have been screwed. The fact that they had planned to put everything into motion so quickly after they had come to agreement with the whole club meant that they wouldn't have had time to wait for a shipment if they had needed to.

Friday was the day of the attack. It was going to be a little tight on men considering they wanted to make sure that they still had protection on the families that needed it, but the plan accounted for every man in the club doing one thing or another. The few trucks they would be using were already loaded up and they were just waiting for night to fall before they began to move.

Kimber pulled up to the clubhouse, her eyebrows furrowing as she noticed all of the bustle of the men around. She had come straight for work which explained the royal blue pant suit and black heels, but Ryan had a tone to his voice when he had called her earlier that had the knot in her stomach growing. The men all greeted her as she passed, but she didn't stop to talk as she walked into the building and toward her father's office. Since his door was open she walked straight in and stopped in front of his desk, "What's going on?"

Ryan studied her for a long moment. Though he wouldn't voice his thoughts, he was worried about the outcome of tonight. There was no guarantee that any of them would make it out alive that night and it hurt to think that this could be the last time he saw his daughter. "There's a job that we need to take care of tonight. Almost all of the men will be working it, but Max and Derrick will be with you until Whiskey returns."

"A job?" She frowned, knowing that it was something dangerous. This life was dangerous, she knew that, but aside from the attack that she had been in the middle of and when Viper was shot she had been able to push that all to the back of her mind.

He nodded, "Yes. You shouldn't have to worry about anything, the prospects will just be there as a precaution." Since they would be attacking the Devils' main location all attention should be on them.

"Okay." She clenched her jaw together, this was a part of the club life she was sure she would never get used to. This wasn't her world, not really, so it was just something she would have to deal with. "I'm going to head home. Mom got Orion from school so I could meet with you." With that she spun around and headed for the door, her emotions were running haywire and she wasn't sure whether to be pissed or concerned. Her worry won out just as she reached the doorway, causing her to pause before she turned the corner. "I would really appreciate it if this isn't the last time I see you alive." With that she continued on her path out of the building. Just as she reached her car a familiar man stepped into her way.

"You have that look on your face." Sebastian spoke, studying her expression carefully.

She rolled her eyes as she stepped around him and continued in the direction of her car, "And what look would that be?"

"The one that you make when you want to hit someone, but can't." He explained as he followed her. There was no doubt in his mind that tonight would be rough on the club, even if no one died they were bound to come back with injuries, but he was worried that the whole thing would be worse on her. Kimber's anxiety could get the best of her from time to time and he knew that it would only be made worse by not knowing exactly what was going on. Before she could open her car door he stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. "I won't tell you that everything will be okay because I don't know if it will be, but I can tell you that we're going to do what we can to get everyone back here alive. Okay? We do stuff like this on a regular enough basis that we know how to plan for it." When her worried glance met his eyes over her shoulder he sighed and spun her around to pull her into a hug. "Just try not to worry too much, okay? Have a good night with Orion, watch a movie or something."

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