Twenty Five

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Hours later everyone was back at the compound. Doc was in the med room working on Derrick's leg while the rest of the patched men were in the meeting room with Max. The remaining prospects were on watch at the gate to make sure they weren't blindsided with an attack, also to make sure that the rest of the club's families made it inside the gates without a problem. The moment they knew who had taken Kimber, Prez had put out a full lockdown on the rest of the club, including their women and children.

Max had just finished filling everyone in on the information he had before Ghost pulled up the video of Kimber being taken out of her house. Once the van was out of sight on the video he stopped it and turned to look at their Prez and VP, both men were clearly enraged by what they had just seen. "So either it was a coincidence that they showed up at the same time or her ex is working for the Devils." he observed.

"Let's go ask him." Boogieman spoke as he stood up from his seat, more than ready to inflict pain on the man that they had tied up in the basement of the shop across the lot.

No one stopped him or Whiskey, who was quick to follow, as the two men left the room. "Everyone is on a rotation around the property, we need to be ready in case they have any other plans up their sleeves." Prez began to order as he stood, more than ready to join in the beating that was about to happen to his daughter's ex husband, but he knew that he needed to instruct the others on what their next steps would be first. "Ghost, find out where they took her. Once we have a location we move out and take these fuckers down."

A steady throbbing in her head made Kimber wince as she came to. It took longer than normal to force her eyes open and once she could finally see she took in the bare room around her. As she studied what looked like an unfinished basement a chill settled into her body, causing the urge to wrap her arms around herself, but the movement was stopped by what she assumed was rope. Turning her attention to herself she noticed that was tied down to a chair. "Great." she muttered before her attention was pulled toward the sound of footsteps echoing down the wooden stairs.

"Ah, Sleeping Beauty is finally awake." Drac grinned as he reached the final step, pausing to study her. He was very pleased with how well their plan went and seeing his prize immobile in front of him only furthered his good mood. "I was worried you were going to sleep the night away."

Fear filled her as she watched him approach where she sat, though she did what she could to hide it from her face. This wasn't the first time she had been in a situation like this, the only difference was that this time she wasn't fully aware of what her attacker was capable of. "Maybe if you would have hit me a little lighter I wouldn't have been out for so long."

Drac nodded as he stood in front of her, "You make a good point, but I wanted to make sure that the drive here was peaceful. From what I understand, if you would have been awake I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the scenery."

"You're right. I tend to be a little mouthy. It's more important that you had a nice drive rather than listen to me bitch in the backseat." She was testing him, though she knew it probably wasn't one of her smarter ideas. When she had first started training with Seb she had made an odd request, one that he only understood after they had gotten closer. She had him teach her survival tactics for situations like this, in the off chance that Travis got his hands on her again she wanted to be prepared. Though this isn't what she expected to be dealing with, she was still thankful for the lessons and hoped that somehow it would help her get out of this alive.

"I knew you would understand." He turned and walked toward a row of chairs against the back wall. With one in hand he moved back toward her, setting the chair down across from where she sat before sitting down. "Now, I just want to ask you a few questions. If you're good and answer without any problems, I'll let you go. If you decide to be difficult, it's not going to be pretty for you."

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