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Two days had passed since that barbecue at the clubhouse and not much had happened. Kimber couldn't return to work until the bruising on her face calmed down enough that she could cover it up, being the receptionist meant dealing with clients face to face and the last thing she needed was to cause issues in the office. Thankfully her boss was understanding and had one of the part time staff cover for her. Other than making sure Orion got to and from school she hadn't left the house, but had instead spent the time dealing with her lawyer over the phone. The papers to serve Travis in regards to revoking his custody were being prepared and would be sent to his lawyer by the end of the week. Though the last thing she wanted was to go back to court, there was no way that she was going to let her abuser anywhere near their son. Maybe after this was settled she would finally be able to relax a little, but part of her was beginning to doubt that as she looked down at her phone. Ryan had been in constant contact with her since the last time she saw him, calling her at least twice a day and texting in between to check up on her. He was clearly worried about whatever was going on with the Devils and had asked her multiple times to either come back to the club to stay with him or to allow him to send one of his men to watch over her. She had declined everything he suggested, even going far enough to tell him if he sent one of his men that she would put the training Sebastian was giving her to use.

Pushing her phone across the kitchen counter she ignored the most recent text he had sent her and picked up her coffee cup, her focus turning to the clock on her stove. She still had about two hours before she was supposed to meet Sebastian at his gym, since she wasn't at work it would be easier to have their session while Orion was at school. While she was contemplating what to do with the time her phone began to ring and she didn't need to look at the screen to know who it was. With a groan she picked up the device before answering it, "I'm not going to change my mind. End of story."

"Well that's odd considering I haven't even asked you anything yet."

The voice that carried over the phone was clearly not her father's and though she wasn't any happier to be hearing from Whiskey she curbed her attitude. "Sorry, I thought you were Ryan. What's up?"

A small chuckle carried over the line, "You should give him a little slack, sugar, he's just worried about you." There was a small pause, "But that's not why I called."

"Then why did you?" She turned so that her back was to the counter, giving her something to lean against. Though the time away from everyone involved with her father's life had been nice so she could figure out how she felt about everything she still hadn't come to a real conclusion and at the moment she didn't want to speak to any of them.

"I'm in charge of a fundraiser that we're putting on in a couple of weeks, it's something that we do every year to help out the local food bank, and I was wondering if you would want to help out?" If his tone was anything to go by he was nervous about her response.

She frowned slightly, the fundraiser that he was talking about was a big hit in town and they always raised more money than expected. It was like a small carnival minus the rides. Food trucks, games, raffles, and auctions were main staples as well as live music from some local bands. Kimber had gone to it a few times and was confused about how she couldn't remember any bikers there. "What kind of help do you need?"

"Basically it would just be running a booth. Taking money, handing out tickets, that sort of thing."

There was a smile to his tone now and it had her smirking as she shook her head, "Sure, count me in. Just let me know when and where."

"Great! We're having everyone meet at the park near the high school around ten to get everything set up. We'll be there a bit earlier to do the heavy lifting, but if you show up around then that would be great." The sounds of a bike carried over the line. "I've got to go, but I'll text you the rest of the details."

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